
  • 网络Social History;Economic and Social History
  1. 他原先是一名校外辅导老师,后调入学校讲授社会史。

    He moved from being an extramural tutor to being a lecturer in social history

  2. 作为齐奥塞斯库(Ceausescu)时代的一幅肖像画,这部影片可谓是社会史的艺术。

    As a portrait of the Ceausescu era it is art as social history .

  3. 弗里德曼模式与中国宗族社会史研究

    Freedman 's Model and Historical Research on the Chinese Lineage Society

  4. 儒家文化究竟对中国古代科技产生了怎样的影响,自五四以来,这就是中国思想史、科技史、社会史共同面临但又悬而未决的问题。

    How did Confucianism influence science and technology in ancient China ?

  5. 《太平广记》是唐宋时期一部重要小说史料,它为我们提供丰富详实的唐朝社会史资料。

    Is a important story of history in the Tang-Song period .

  6. 政治&社会史:深化史学研究的新路径

    Political & Social History : a New Path to Deepen History Study

  7. 跨越边界&美国明代社会史研究

    Over the Border : Social History Research of Ming Dynasty in America

  8. 19世纪俄国社会史研究及其意义

    A Study of the 19th Century Russian Social History and its Significance

  9. 政治哲学思想史就是一部人类社会史。

    The history of political thought is the history of human society .

  10. 中国社会史论战对于唯物史观的传播

    Spreading of Materialist Historical View in the Debate on Chinese Social History

  11. 口述史是社会史研究的重要依据。

    Word-of-mouth history is very important to the study of social history .

  12. 这些,都是今后的社会史研究需要认真对待的。

    These are all that need serious thinking in the future researches .

  13. 对中国近代社会史研究的反思

    Rethinking the Study of Chinese Social History During Modern Times

  14. 人文的和整体的历史:西方经济&社会史初论

    Humanist and Integrated History : Western Economic and Social History

  15. 他始终以社会史研究作为学术史研究的基础,把社会经济视为解释、理解学术思想现象的基本立足点。

    His academic study is based on social history and social economy .

  16. 80年代以来秦汉社会史研究述要

    Essential Study on Social History of Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty Since 1980s

  17. 2000年原始社会史研究述评

    A Commentary on The Study of Prehistory in 1996-2000

  18. 近代中国农民进城的社会史考察

    A Socio-historical Analysis of Migrant Workers in Modern China

  19. 从地方到整体&社会史视角下的政治史研究

    From Region to Whole-A Study of Political History from the Social History Angle

  20. 我相信我有兴趣于社会史。

    I think I am interested in social history .

  21. 建筑史是一部文化史和社会史。

    The history of architecture is a cultural history and a social history .

  22. 20世纪90年代之后,后现代主义思想开始影响中国社会史研究。

    After the 1990s , post-modernism began to affect the Chinese social history study .

  23. 从社会史角度研究晋商与地方社会

    Research on Jin Merchants and the Local Community from the Perspective of Social History

  24. 进入90年代,明代社会史的研究蓬勃发展,研究领域十分广阔。

    Going into 90s , the study of Ming 's society history grows vigorously .

  25. 关于医学社会史的理论思考

    Theoretical Considerations about the Social History of Medicine

  26. 西方医学社会史发展述论

    On the Development of Social History of Medicine

  27. 历史人类学与近代区域社会史研究

    Historical Anthropology and Modern Regional Social History

  28. 闽台社会史札记

    The Reading Notes on Fujian-Taiwan Social History

  29. 社会史视角与中学历史教育的革新

    The Visual Angle of Social History and Renovation of the History Education of Middle School

  30. 行走在政治与学术之间&中国秘密社会史研究的百年历程及其展望

    Between the Political and the Academic : Retrospect and Prospect of Chinese Scholarships on Secret Societies