
mínɡ rén xiào yìng
  • Celebrity effect;celebrity charm
  1. 在接替马克・吐温的标杆人物的选择上,百慕大一直都对演员迈克尔・道格拉斯(MichaelDouglas)和他的妻子凯瑟琳・泽塔琼斯(CatherineZeta-Jones)寄予厚望,希望他们能给这里带来些许名人效应。

    And in place of Mark Twain , Bermuda has long counted on actor Michael Douglas and his wife , Catherine Zeta-Jones , for a dash of celebrity glamour .

  2. 英国足球明星贝克汉姆(DavidBeckham)周四同巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部(ParisSaint-Germain)签署了一份为期五个月的合同。贝克汉姆的加盟为这支由卡塔尔人支持的法国足球队注入了浓浓的名人效应和营销上的吸引力。

    English soccer star David Beckham on Thursday signed a five-month contract with Paris Saint-Germain , injecting a heavy dose of celebrity appeal and marketing magnetism to the Qatari-backed French soccer team .

  3. 悬浮滑板公司向肯达尔·詹娜(KendallJenner)这样的美国明星发放免费样车,以在竞争激烈的市场中争夺更多的份额、利用名人效应提高本公司产品的知名度。

    American stars such as Kendall Jenner are being sent free samples of the boards by companies scrambling for market share and using celebrity endorsement to raise awareness of their products in a crowded marketplace .

  4. 现在的电视节目充满着名人效应。

    We have reality television , where people try to become celebrities .

  5. 著名的人物有时也得益于他们本身的名人效应。

    Celebrities are also aware of their own star power .

  6. 这项赛事背后除了雄厚的财力支持,也少不了名人效应。

    Still , the series has funding and celebrity firepower .

  7. 结果发现,名人效应和品牌效应显著;

    The first experiment showed that the celebrity effect and brand effect were significant ;

  8. 这就是名人效应。

    This is the celebrity effect .

  9. 在野生动物保护中,用名人效应吸引公众注意也是惯常的做法。

    Using celebrities to focus public attention on wildlife is a common practice in conservation campaigns .

  10. 本研究从自动化加工和控制性加工这个视角研究了名人效应的心理加工机制。

    The psychological mechanism of celebrity effect was studied from the perspective of automatic and controlled processing .

  11. 许多企业都想利用名人效应来提高他们产品的知名度。

    Many enterprises want to take advantage of the social influence of celebrities to make their products well known .

  12. 名人效应在社会公益事业中往往扮演着极为重要性的角色,它直接为我们树立了好的示范作用。

    Celebrity in the public welfare often plays an important role , it is for us to directly set a good example .

  13. 网络媒体可以通过实施策划、利用品牌优势、名人效应、实行媒体联动提高网络新闻专题在受众中的影响力。

    Net News Volume can increase its influence in the public through implementing planning , taking advantage of brands , celebrity effect and media interaction .

  14. 重建的价值观和目的:这些都阻止不了道德滑坡的趋势,因为这个方面的因素都在激发从业者的蓄意欺骗和制造名人效应行为。

    Renewed values and purposes : these can 't stem the tide when the incentives are piled to encourage deliberate deception and the manufacture of celebrity .

  15. 那个群体正在用运动名人效应加大广告力度,来鼓励大众进行此筛查。

    That group is currently promoting an advertising campaign featuring sports celebrities encouraging the lay public " to make the right call and get screened ," they added .

  16. 运用传播学理论分析它产生发展壮大的原因,剖析名人效应对它的影响及其特质,思考它的不足之处。

    Communication theory is used to analyze the causes of its generation , development and growth , the influence from " celebrity effect ", and also its deficiencies .

  17. 张悟本的名人效应,“悟本堂”中研健康之家曾一度被患者挤爆,这有许多人是从外地慕名而来的。

    The Wubentang clinic and Zhongyan Health Home had been crowded with patients , many of whom come from outside provinces , as Zhang has become a recognizable figure .

  18. 2009年夏天,新浪微博横空出世,通过名人效应、便捷的操作手法和病毒式的传播方式,让整个中国互联网为之沸腾。

    The summer of 2009 , Sina micro-blogging turned out , through celebrity and convenient operating practices and the spread of viral way , let the Chinese Internet whom boiling .

  19. 名人效应是我国历代书画艺术领域中引人关注的重要现象,这一现象反映在艺术市场上,是书画价格的高低不在于其作品质量如何,而主要取决于其作者名气的大小;

    The celebrity effect is an noticeable important phenomenon which reflect on the art is that the price of the painting in market is not up to the quality but the author .

  20. 科比和斯蒂贝尔表示,这笔基金将会持续运作几年,并且对那些他们觉得可以用自己的商业眼光来增加价值的公司投资,而不仅仅是依靠科比的名人效应。

    The pair said the fund will last a few years and look to target companies where they feel they can add value through their business insight , and not through Mr Bryant 's celebrity .

  21. 泰勒的8次婚姻,健康问题,药物成瘾和体重飞涨常常会掩盖了她事业的辉煌,但她克服了逆境并用自己的名人效应来支持艾滋病教育研究等活动。

    Taylor ` s eight marriages , health problems , prescription drug addiction and ballooning weight often overshadowed her career , but she overcame adversity and used her fame to advocate for causes such as AIDS education and research .

  22. 而沃默斯利的优点,比如管理天赋、精于利用名人效应、和蔼、热情、对待重要客人懂得优雅的办公礼仪、对报告内容使用圆滑的处理手段等等,却都不是图灵看重的。

    Womersley 's gifts of management : a mastery of name-dropping , a genial enthusiasm , a pleasant office manner to important visitors , a diplomatic sense of what to report , were not skills that Alan Turing ranked highly ;

  23. 名人广告效应与策略

    The Effectiveness and Strategy of Celebrity Advertisements

  24. 结果表明,在自然判断的任务条件下,被试的记忆出现了名人优势效应;

    The results showed that the superiority of social memory of the famous names was found under the neutral judgement ;

  25. 但有些买家买下名人碰过物品则是被所谓的名人传播效应影响了——他们确信这件物品仍保留了前主人的精神和触痕。

    But other purchasers of objects touched by a famous person are by so-called : the belief that the thing retains some essence or physical trace of the former owner .

  26. 但有些买家买下名人碰过物品则是被所谓的名人传播效应影响了他们确信这件物品仍保留了前主人的精神和触痕。

    But other purchasers of objects touched by a famous person are swayed by so-called contagion : the implicit belief that the thing retains some essence or physical trace of the former owner .

  27. 金·卡戴珊(KimKardashian)、谢琳·伍德蕾(ShaileneWoodley)、阿黛儿(Adele)和杰西卡·辛普森(JessicaSimpson)等名人都透露,他们好几天甚至好几个月都不洗头。因为名人效应,“戒洗发水”运动越来越流行。

    The ' no poo ' movement has gained popularity over recent years because of celebrities such as Kim Kardashian , Shailene Woodley , Adele and Jessica Simpson who have revealed that that they avoid washing their hair for days - and sometimes months - on end .