  • separate;divide;untie;undo
  • solution

  • send under guard

  • understand;see
  • 剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。

  • 把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。

  • 除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由)。~除。~饿。~乏。~惑。~疑。~围。~脱。~雇。~聘。~散。~毒。

  • 溶化:溶~。~冻。

  • 讲明白,分析说明:~释。~析。~说。劝~。~嘲。

  • 懂,明白:理~。见~。

  • 调和,处理:~决。和~。调(tiáo )~。排~。

  • 高兴,开心:~颜而笑。

  • 排泄:~手。

  • 代数方程中未知数的值。

  • 演算方程式:~方程。

  • 文体的一种,如韩愈《进学解》。

  • 发送。

  • 押送财物或犯人:押~。起~。~差(chāi)。~回北京。

  • 古同“懈”,松弛,懈怠。

  • 古同“邂”,邂逅。

  • 旧时指杂技表演的各种技艺,特指骑在马上表演的技艺:卖~的。跑马卖~。

  • 〔~湖〕湖名,在中国山西省。

  • 姓。


(剖开; 分开) separate; divide:

  • 解剖


  • 溶解


  • 瓦解



(把束缚或系着的东西打开) untie; undo:

  • 解扣儿


  • 解缆

    untie the mooring rope;

  • 解鞋带

    undo shoelaces


(解除; 使不存在) allay; dispel; dismiss:

  • 解惑

    dispel [remove] doubts;

  • 解热

    allay a fever;

  • 解痛

    alleviate pain;

  • 解油腻

    cut the grease of a rich meal (as with a cup of tea, etc.)


(分析说明; 解释) explain; interpret; solve:

  • 解题

    solve a (mathematical, etc.) problem;

  • 详解

    explain in detail; detailed explanation;

  • 新解

    a new interpretation;

  • 注解

    (explanatory) notes; annotation


(了解; 理解; 明白) understand; comprehend:

  • 费解

    hard to understand; obscure;

  • 令人不解

    puzzling; incomprehensible;

  • 通俗易解

    easy to understand


(解手) relieve oneself:

  • 大解

    go to the lavatory (to defecate);

  • 小解

    go to the lavatory (to urinate)


{数} (代数方程中的未知数的值) solution:

  • 求解

    find the solution


(解送) send under guard:

  • 这个罪犯已经解到县里去了。

    The criminal has been sent to the county seat under guard.


(懂得; 明白) understand; see:

  • 解不开这个道理

    can't see the point


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 解狐

    Xie Hu

  1. 复用器的设计是用Visualc++实现的,其主要功能就是把经信道解码的MSC数据解复用为音频数据和应用数据。

    The demultiplexer is designed with Visual C + + , which is used to divide the audio data and data application in MSC .

  2. 我国在隋唐以后,建筑木作有了明确的用材制度,当时已用“锯解制材”之法。

    After the Sui and Tang Dynasties , China evidently had a log system in architecture when the frame saw was used to divide wood .

  3. 他怎么那么受欢迎,我百思不得其解。

    It 's always surprised me how popular he is .

  4. 他从脖子上解下围巾。

    He unwound his scarf from his neck .

  5. 我正感到尴尬,你为我解了围。

    You rescued me from an embarrassing situation .

  6. 其中一人把绑在腰间的一条绳子解下来。

    One of them unwound a length of rope from around his waist

  7. 绳子解不开了,只能剪断。

    The rope could not be disentangled and had to be cut .

  8. 她开始解衬衣扣子。

    She had begun to unbutton her blouse .

  9. 幸好一个朋友赶来解了围。

    Mercifully , a friend came to the rescue

  10. 然后她把丝巾解下来。

    Then she untied her silk scarf .

  11. 为更清晰地理解此处的问题,我们来看一种不同的生物系统,比如说,橡子。

    To see the problem here more clearly , let 's look at a different biological system , say , an acorn

  12. 这道数学题太复杂了,我解不出来。

    This problem is too complicated for me to solve .

  13. 我心中有一个疑团,百思不得其解。

    I have in mind some doubts which really puzzle me .

  14. 这个罪犯已经解到县里去了。

    The criminal has been sent to the county seat under guard .

  15. 何以自解?

    How are you to explain yourself ?

  16. 这道题虽然错综复杂,但用电子计算机很快就能解出。

    Although the problem is intricate and complex , it can be solved very quickly with an electronic computer .

  17. 这道题看起来很简单,但当你要解它时你就会发现它确实是一道难题。

    The problem looks simple enough , but when you come to try and solve it you 'll find it 's a real teaser .

  18. 他解这道题仅仅用了十分钟。

    It took him only ten minutes to solve the puzzle .

  19. 这里所讲的[仆人]可以解作高级官员。

    He word servant here can mean a placed official .

  20. 对于解译人员来说,清晰度可能从来都不是很满意的。

    The clarity of resolution can be never too good for interpreter .

  21. 两名解差押着犯人出了京城。

    Two guards escorted the prisoner out of beijing .

  22. 汤姆在考试时绞尽脑汁想解出那道题。

    Tom racked his brains during the test trying to solve the problem .

  23. 哦,对不起,这张现金解款单我填错了。

    Oh , sorry , my cash-slip is wrong .

  24. 可解方程的群都是交换群。

    The groups of the solvable equations are commutative .

  25. 就是要了我的命,我也无法解出这一难题。

    For the life of me , I can 't solve this puzzle .

  26. 班上没有一个学生解得出这道题。

    Not a single boy in the class could get the problem out .

  27. 数学家们转而去挑选周期解。

    The mathematicians turned to culling periodic solutions .

  28. 为了得到这些问题的数字解,必须使用大型电子计算机。

    For the numerical solution of these problems large electronic computers must be used .

  29. 九会员代表及理事、监事之名额、权限、任期及选任与解任。

    The number , office term appointment and dismission of member representatives , directors and supervisors .

  30. 电报正在解译。

    It 's being decoded now .