
jiě shì chénɡ xù
  • interpreter;interpretive program/routine
  1. 关于WangPC中文化BASIC解释程序的研制

    Development of Basic Interpreter for Processing Chinese on Wang PC

  2. 要运行Java程序,计算机必须配备Java解释程序。

    To run Java programs , a computer must have a Java interpreter .

  3. 最后,创建了实时数据库、WEB服务等功能模块并通过以太网为媒介,利用XML语言来把解释程序、实时数据库和WEB服务集成到底层可编程序控制器中,实现了一些上位机的功能。

    Finally , establish real-time database , WEB service module and integrate interpreter , real-time database and WEB service together through XML language .

  4. 用irb命令启动解释程序,然后用loadfilename命令加载每个样例。

    Start the interpreter with irb and then load each example with load filename .

  5. 针对当前工业控制中广泛应用的G代码,编制了专门的解释程序,使得控制单元的通用性进一步加强。

    Aiming at the G code widely used in industrial control , the special explain procedure is programmed to make the control unit more common .

  6. 例如,PASCAL源程序对COBOL编译程序或者BASIC解释程序是无意义的。

    For example , a Pascal source program is meaningless to a COBOL compiler or a BASIC interpreter .

  7. 然后,在执行之前,Perl解释程序把字节码表达形式转换成机器码。

    The Perl interpreter then converts the byte-code representation to machine code before execution .

  8. Java程序使用JIT调用时的运行速度通常都比使用解释程序执行字节码时的速度更快。

    Java programs invoked with a JIT generally run much faster than when the byte-code is executed by the interpreter .

  9. PHP是用于Drupal编码和执行的计算机语言和解释程序。

    And PHP is the computer language and interpreter used to code and execute Drupal .

  10. 当命令处理程序正在进行批处理,很多DOS用户都把它认作命令解释程序。

    When the command processor is performing batch processing , many DOS users refer to it as the command interpreter .

  11. 简要描述了Java语言解释程序的操作原理并说明了现代JIT编译器执行本地代码编译的优缺点。

    It briefly describes how Java language interpreters operate and then describes the advantages and drawbacks of native code compilation performed by modern JIT compilers .

  12. 许多开发人员此时放弃使用Java语言,而转向诸如命令解释程序脚本或Win32批处理文件等的快速上手脚本解决方案。

    Instead of using the Java language , many developers have turned to quick-and-dirty scripting solutions such as shell scripts or Win32 batch files .

  13. 例如,当前运行的每个应用程序都运行自己的用户ID和解释程序副本以严格区分进程,从而实现安全性和可靠性。

    Every application currently running , for example , has its own user ID and its own copy of the interpreter running to strictly separate processes for security and reliability .

  14. 知识库的创建,推理机及解释程序等专家系统部分使用java来实现,知识库的存储使用SqlServer数据库来完成。

    Create a knowledge base , inference machine and the interpreter , and other experts to use java to implement parts of the system , knowledge of storage using SQL Server database to complete .

  15. 采用VC与FORTRAN混合语言编程,使该系统充分利用大地电磁测深原有的资料处理、解释程序。

    Using mix language of VC and FORTRAN to program , the original MT data processing and interpretation program can be fully used for the system .

  16. VM的对象代码也称为bytecode,特别定义解释程序执行的一个指令集。

    The object code for a VM is also called bytecode , specifically defining an instruction set that an interpreter executes .

  17. 有些JIT编译器甚至不使用解释程序就能编译所有的代码,但是这些编译器仍然通过在程序执行时进行一些操作来保持Java应用程序的可移植性。

    Some JIT compilers even compile all code without using an interpreter , but these compilers still preserve portability for Java applications by operating while the program is executing .

  18. FESI登场了,它是写在Java语言内部的脚本解释程序,这也就使得它能移植到所有支持Java平台的操作系统和硬件系统中去。

    Enter FESI , a script interpreter written natively in the Java language , which makes it portable to all operating systems and hardware systems supporting the Java platform .

  19. 学习EcmaScript最好的方法就是使用交互式FESI解释程序。

    The best way to learn EcmaScript is to use the interactive FESI interpreter .

  20. 目的在于避免JIT编译器的运行时性能消耗或内存消耗,或者避免解释程序的早期性能开销。

    The goal is either to avoid the JIT compiler 's run-time performance or memory cost or to avoid the interpreter 's early performance overhead .

  21. 二维CSAMT人机交互解释程序,以往都是针对规则模型(如矩形)来实现的。

    The two-dimension CSAMT interactive explanation program was drawn up for a regular model such as a rectangle .

  22. 本文主要介绍了如何将DJS131机上所用的功能较多的基本BASIC语言移植到DJS130机上来的方法,并在保留原BASIC解释程序的功能的基础上又进一步增加了新的功能。

    This paper introduces a method of using the BASIC Language interpreter of DJS-131 to DJS-130 . It offers some new functions , in addition to all original features which are kept .

  23. 现在您就能方便地与EcmaScript解释程序进行交互并立刻得到结果。

    You will now be able to easily interact with the EcmaScript interpreter and get immediate results .

  24. 事实上,该程序在内部创建了一个FESI解释程序,并解释了相关的EcmaScript文件。

    In fact , the program creates a FESI interpreter internally , and interprets the associated EcmaScript file .

  25. 当DISKCOPY命令结束时,命令解释程序将试图读BAT文件。

    When the DISKCOPY command is finished , the command interpreter will attempt to read the BAT file .

  26. 系统固件包括一个解释程序,在加载EBC映像时会调用该程序。

    The systems firmware includes an interpreter that is invoked when an EBC image is loaded .

  27. 应用于MIMD程序的SIMD解释程序器运行,速度取决于解释程序器中Loop的组织,并且组织的优化又取决于MIMD程序的执行。

    The speed of an SIMD interpreter for MIMD program depends on the organization of interpreter loop , and the optimal organization depends on the executed MIMD program .

  28. 本文塑造了正式的函数式程序设计(FFP)语言的一种操作性语义模型,它实质上是LISP虚拟机上的一个解释程序。

    Formulized is an operational semantic model of formal functional programming ( FFP ) language which in essence is an interpreter on the virtual LISP machine .

  29. 有一些内部命令,不是交互式解释程序所能理解的EcmaScript或FESI的一部分。

    There are a few built-in commands , which are not part of EcmaScript or FESI , that the interactive interpreter understands .

  30. wxBasic既是一种基本语言解释程序又是一个wxWidgets绑定的集合。

    WxBasic is both a Basic language interpreter and a set of wxWidgets bindings .