
  • 网络interpreted;Interpreted Language;Interpreter
  1. 在软件功能上能够完全解释执行三菱PLC程序所有指令。

    In software function , All Mitsubishi PLC instructions can be interpreted and execute .

  2. 但是,该产品采用解释执行的方式,是解释型PLC。

    However , the product adopts an interpreted way to implement the instructions , so it is interpreted PLC .

  3. 软PLC虚拟机的运行系统完成解释执行中间码的功能。

    Theexecuting system of the soft PLC virtual machine explains and executes the Middle Code .

  4. Matlab是个功能强大、国际公认的计算软件,但其应用程序的使用却受到解释执行和体积庞大的制约;

    Matlab is a powerful computing software , but its application was restrained by its INTERPRET mechanism and bulky bytes .

  5. 协同工作流机解释执行的过程模板是XML格式的文件,因此协同工作流机必须具备解释XML文档的功能。

    The process Template interpreted by workflow engine is a XML document . Therefore , the engine should have the function of Parsing XML document .

  6. 过去,IE中的JavaScript是解释执行的,并不会编译为本地的处理器指令。

    In the past , JavaScript in IE was interpreted and not compiled into native processor instructions .

  7. 基于J2EE和业务动态解释执行的EAI系统设计

    Design of EAI System Based on J2EE and Dynamic Explaining Executing of Business Operation Process Flow

  8. 在三维雕刻机的模拟仿真中,对工件结构设计和NC代码解释执行等技术作了深入探讨。

    It also describes the design of the structure of working object and the interpretation of NC codes for the 3D engraving plotter .

  9. 管理框架支持管理人员对任务进行分解,用policy描述子任务,然后将policy分发到policy服务器,由policy服务器解释执行。

    The management framework supports administrator to decompose task into several subtasks and use policies to describe these subtasks , and then delegate these policies to policy servers to interpret and execute them .

  10. Mondrian是用Java实现的解释执行MDX语言的解析器。

    Mondrian is implemented in Java language interpreted MDX parser .

  11. 下位机实时控制模块用于伺服驱动系统的实时控制,实现了变量的初始化、电气控制的PLC功能以及G代码的解释执行功能。

    The real-time control module , which is intended to achieve real-time control of PMAC motion control system , includes variable initialization , PLC program and G code interpreter program .

  12. 本系统应用标准的Web浏览器(比如IE/Netscape)作为客户端,用于向业务层提出请求,并解释执行由逻辑层传回的请求响应。

    This system applies the normal web browser ( such as IE / Netscape ) as a client , to putting forward the requests to the business layer , explaining and performing the responses from the logic layer .

  13. 最后,我们最终实现的目标代码是基于一个自定义的虚拟机器VMC的代码,通过对此代码的解释执行来得到最终运行结果。

    Third , the target code is a VMC machine code ( Virtual Machine Code ) which was defined by ourselves .

  14. 由于ASP程序的源代码不需要编译,只需要把源代码拷贝到服务器上便可以直接解释执行,所以ASP系统的版权保护一直是广大ASP用户最头疼的问题之一。

    Because the source code of ASP programs can be directly compiled and run on a server without compilation , the copyright protection of ASP programs is one of the most difficult problems for ASP users .

  15. GKD-Base中的DML触发器,其PL/SQL引擎由前端编译器和后端解释执行器组成。

    The PL / SQL engine of DML trigger in GKD-Base is composed of front-end compiler and back-end executor .

  16. 在WBM中,JAVA扮演了最重要的角色。JAVA语言是解释执行、面向对象的,一次编译到处执行,非常适合于编写分布式的网络管理软件。

    Java plays an important role in WBM , which is an object-oriented interpretive language with a famous slogan " compile once , run everywhere " and is very suitable to write distributed network management software .

  17. 语音增值业务平台VAP(Voicevalue-Addedserviceplatform)是语音内容业务系统的核心模块,完成语音呼叫接续和语音增值业务解释执行的功能。

    VAP ( the Voice Value - Added service platform ) is the core module of the speech contents business system , completing the speech call sign to continue and the Voice Value - Added service business to be explained and run .

  18. 分析了Java字节码的解释执行和基于解释执行的DirectThreadedInterpreter性能优化技术。以DirectThreadedInterpreter为基础,提出并实现了一种针对ARM7平台的嵌入式Java虚拟机解释器性能优化方案。

    This paper analyzed the execution of Java bytecode and direct threaded optimization technology of interpreter , proposed and implemented a new performance optimization solution of embedded Java VM based on direct threaded technology specially for ARM7 platform .

  19. 后者则对前端编译器生成的中间代码进行解释执行,且系统运行时DML触发器扩展为六元组,即ECA模型。

    The later executes the intermediate code created by former compiler . The DML trigger is extended into the ECA model when system is running .

  20. 本文设计了相应的工作流管理系统架构,并实现了能够运行在分布式异构环境中的规则引擎,负责ECA规则的解释执行。

    The article builds the architecture of the Workflow Management System and implements a rule engine which can run in the distributed and heterogeneous environment and interprets the ECA rules .

  21. 在Shader语言的实现方面,给出了Shader语言的语法和词法,Shader的基本框架,构建了解释执行Shader语言的解释器。

    On the implementation of Shader language , the syntax rule and lexical rule are presented and an interpreter , which interprets and executes the Shader language , is also given .

  22. 浮点指令的解释执行造成翻译系统效率急剧下降。

    Interpretation of floating-point instruction causes a sharp translation efficiency decrease .

  23. 工作流服务器负责解释执行工作流定义。

    Workflow server is responsible for the interpretation and execution of workflow definition .

  24. 算术表达式解释执行器的设计

    The Design of an Interpreter for Arithmetic Expressions

  25. 重点研究了图标化机器人程序语言的设计及其解释执行技术。

    The emphasis is put on icon-based robot language design and its interpretive execution algorithm .

  26. 这种语言可以很有效地定义仿真过程中仿真实体的行为规则,通过调用系统接口函数,对仿真控制语言进行解释执行,完成系统实体对象的行为。

    The system interprets the language and completes the behaviors by calling the system interface functions .

  27. 本机的浏览器解释执行特殊的响应代码,并发送用户关闭到目的地。

    The browsers native implementation interprets the special response code and sends the user off to the destination .

  28. 文章重点介绍了在解释执行环境中处理二进制可执行代码的一种有效方案。

    The paper mainly introduces a solution which shows how to carrying out binary executable code in interpreter language system .

  29. 后端选择了用虚拟机对中间代码解释执行的实现方案。

    As to the back end , it selects the scheme that a virtual machine executes the intermediate code through interpreting .

  30. 脚本引擎是脚本解释执行的程序平台,是为应用程序提供脚本支持的技术实现。

    Scripting engine is a program to interpret and run scripting programs , and technical implementation of scripting support for application .