
  1. 要提高文件检索系统的性能,需要对倒排文件压缩技术进行研究与对比,以使文件检索系统在最大压缩比和最快的解压速度间寻找均衡,以到达最大的吞吐量。

    To improve the throughput of Information Retrieval System , we need to research into inverted file compression techniques , to get the statuesque point between best compression ratio and the fastest decompression time .

  2. 另一方面,gzip在压缩/解压时间方面拥有最佳性能,而PPM的压缩/解压速度慢很多。

    On the other side , gzip has best performance in terms of compression / decompression time and while the compression / decompression time of PPM is much slower .

  3. 在解压阶段,本文对原有的词条形成方式进行了扩展,新词条能够在解压阶段减少查询字典的次数,从而提高解压速度。

    In the decompression stage , the formation of the original term is extended . The new entries to the dictionary reducing the number of queries to improve decompression speed .