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  • executable file
  1. 在这个例子中,只有一个C文件被使用,但是在较大的系统中,通常是各种数据库被建立,最终连接到这个可执行文件中。

    In this example , only one C file is used , but in large systems , typically various libraries are built and finally linked to build the executable file .

  2. 当在Scripts菜单下的文件或者文件夹上点击鼠标右键时,该目录下所有可执行文件将会出现。

    Any executable file placed in this directory will appear when you right-click a file or folder under the Scripts menu .

  3. 运行make构建新文本可执行文件。

    Run make to build your new text executable .

  4. 要创建main可执行文件,请编译源代码

    To create the main executable , compile the sources

  5. 第一种方法十分简单,它将返回与调试器可执行文件相对应的Process对象。

    The first of these methods is straightforward and returns a Process object corresponding to the debugger executable .

  6. 幸运的是,积极的Web用户们为旧的可执行文件创建了档案文件。

    Fortunately , enterprising Web citizens have created archives of older executables .

  7. 所以您只需使用一次C编译器来产生可执行文件。

    So you only need a C-compiler once to produce the executable .

  8. 这两个变量分别为搜索可执行文件和man页面定义了一系列目录。

    Both variables define a series of directories to search for executables and man pages , respectively .

  9. Windows二进制的发行版是一个可执行文件,它将自动的执行安装程序。

    The Windows binary release is an executable that automatically executes Windows Installer .

  10. 已经创建Windows客户机并将其作为基于控制台的Windows可执行文件。

    The Windows client is created for you and available as a console-based Windows executable .

  11. WindowsPE可执行文件压缩机制的分析

    Analysis of Compression of Windows PE Executable File

  12. WINDOWSnt可执行文件首部结构的分析

    Structural analysis about the header of executable file in Windows NT

  13. Linux下可执行文件的动态内存检测设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Executable Files Dynamic Memory Test Tool on Linux NC Platform

  14. 请注意,这里已经设置了到R可执行文件的路径,并在两个函数中使用了该路径。

    Note that the path to the R executable is set and used in the two functions .

  15. 此windows窗体开始在windows下运行,就像双击了它的可执行文件一样。

    The windows form starts running under windows , just as if you had double-clicked its executable .

  16. 研究过程中,首先要熟悉Windows运行机制、结构化异常处理机制和可执行文件的结构及装载过程。

    Firstly , be familiar with Windows mechanism , structure exception handle mechanism and executable file structure .

  17. 最后提出了用软件对PE可执行文件的加密解密方法。

    Finally a software encryption and decryption method of PE file is put forward .

  18. PC汇编语言编写菜单程序中可执行文件调用方法分析

    The Analysis of Calling an Executable File when Compiling a Menu Program by 8086 Assembly Language

  19. 另一个重要的环境变量是shell的PATH,它列出了搜索可执行文件的目录。

    Another workhorse environment variable is the shell 's PATH , which enumerates directories to search for an executable .

  20. WINDOWSnt可执行文件的块结构剖析

    The Analysis About the Block Structure of the Executable File in Windows NT

  21. 获取WINDOWSnt可执行文件代码块的方法

    Access Method of the Executable File in Windows NT

  22. 这将涉及到设置JAVAHOME环境变量和在平台不为Windows的情况下将外壳脚本配置为可执行文件。

    This involves setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable and making the shell scripts executable if the platform is not Windows .

  23. 后一个命令表明touch是可执行文件/usr/bin/touch。

    The latter command indicates that touch is the executable / usr / bin / touch .

  24. PE可执行文件RSA验证加密机制的分析

    Analysis of RSA Verifying and Encrypting of PE Executable File

  25. 第一种方法使用which在当前的PATH中寻找第一个Ruby可执行文件。

    This first technique applies which to find the first Ruby executable in the current PATH .

  26. 正如单一可执行文件是全球化应用程序的基础,它也是全球化Web服务系统的基础。

    Just as a single executable is the foundation for a global application , it is also the foundation for a global web services system .

  27. Jelly:使用该工具把XML代码转换为可执行文件。

    Jelly : Get the tool to turn your XML code into executable files .

  28. 当执行一个命令时,shell必须读取用户的PATH环境变量来查找可执行文件。

    When a command is executed , the shell must read the user 's PATH environment variable to find the executable .

  29. DB2会将您的算法的可执行文件复制到备份镜像中,因此我们还可以恢复您的镜像。

    DB2 copies your algorithm 's executables into the backup image so we can restore your image .

  30. 如果没有名为PHP的可执行文件,则必须获得一个。

    If you don 't have an executable named PHP , you must get one .