
  • 网络research paper;research article
  1. 本文对中英文社科研究性论文的摘要进行语类结构对比分析。

    This thesis gives a contrastive genre analysis of abstracts of Chinese and English research articles ( RA ) of social science .

  2. 近三十年来,很多学者对诸多学科领域英文研究性论文的其他部分,如摘要、引言、方法、结果,进行了大量研究;然而,对讨论部分的文献研究却微乎其微。

    Over the last thirty years , many previous researchers have investigated other sections of research articles across various scientific disciplines such as abstract , introduction , methods and results .

  3. 这是一篇关于效用函数是否存在,及阿罗不可能定理是否成立的研究性论文。

    This paper discusses the Logic of Arrow 's Impossibility Theorem .

  4. 研究性论文之学术史的撰写与学术规范&以史学类论文为中心

    Writing of Academic History of Research Subject and Realization of Academic Rules

  5. 有关肝支架材料以及表面修饰的研究性论文。

    Study papers about the choice and modification of scaffold ;

  6. 研究性论文必须符合国际上通用的学术规范;上通数学,下达课堂;

    The disquisition must accord learning standard of international .

  7. 中英文研究性论文摘要的语类结构对比分析

    A Contrastive Analysis on Generic Structure of Chinese and English Research Article Abstracts

  8. 诚实撰写研究性论文之学术史,是实现学术规范的一项实质性措施。

    Writing academic history of a research subject honestly is a fundamental measure of realizing academic rules .

  9. 因此,熟悉英文研究性论文的体裁结构与语言表现特征显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the research exploring the genre and linguistic features of research articles becomes more and more important .

  10. 在各国大力发展智能电网的环境下,我国现阶段有关智能用电的研究性论文比起发电、输电和配电方面来说较少。

    Under the development in smart grid , in China research papers related to the smart power utilization is relatively less than generation , transmission and distribution .

  11. 众所周知,特定的语篇结构会受到社会、文化因素的制约,汉英研究性论文摘要也必然呈现不同的语类结构。

    It is widely acknowledged that the patterns of certain genre are constrained by social and cultural factors , so Chinese and English research article abstracts are bound to present different generic structures .

  12. 本文是一篇有关我国民营聚酯薄膜企业的研究性论文,主要运用定性分析和描述性研究的方法对当前我国民营聚酯薄膜企业进行了研究。

    This is an investigative thesis for the Chinese private-owned enterprises of biaxial oriented polyester film . It is mainly used the methods of qualitative analysis and descriptive research to study the present enterprises .

  13. 目的:探讨和对比人称代词在中外医学作者撰写的英文医学研究性论文前言部分中的使用情况。

    AIM : To investigate and contrast the personal pronouns used in introduction sections of English medical research articles written by Chinese medical writers ( CMWs ) and native English speaking medical writers ( NMWs ) .

  14. 作为国际学术交流与传播的重要载体,英文研究性论文的重要作用在中外学术界已得到普遍肯定,并有效促进了中外学术的交流与合作。

    English research journal articles have recently received extensive attention in the international academic exchanges as the important connection between international academic circles , which greatly improved the cooperation and communication between China and foreign academic communities .

  15. 研究性医学论文的英文写作

    The writ in g of Medical Research Paper in English

  16. 本文根据研究性医学论文的特点,从题名,摘要,正文和参考文献四个方面具体探讨了研究性医学论文的写作方法。

    This paper deals with the writing of medical research paper in English , which includes the title , the abstract , the body and the references .

  17. 在Krugman(1979)对货币危机研究的开创性论文之后,这一领域内涌现了大量的优秀文献,但主要集中在研究货币危机的发生、预警以及相应的防范政策上。

    After Krugman 's initiate papers about currency crisis , there are lots of excellent literatures in this field , but they all focused on the rise , warn and precaution policy of currency crises .

  18. 同时对全文进行了总结,提出了本文的研究局限性以及论文可进一步深入研究的方向。

    Finally , it puts forward to the research limitations and further research direction probably .

  19. 近二十年来,对不同类型语篇进行体裁分析的研究层出不穷,其中对研究性论文的体裁分析较为突出。

    In the past twenty years , genre analysis has been conducted on different kinds of discourses , especially on research articles .

  20. 以上研究结果已经撰写投稿两篇研究性论文和一篇综述性论文。

    The above research resulted three papers , including two research articles and one review .