
yán jiū yuán
  • researcher;fellow;teaching fellow;research follow
研究员 [yán jiū yuán]
  • (1) [reasearch fellow(member)]

  • (2) 被基金会授予金钱从事研究工作的人

  • (3) 在科研机构中从事某一学科研究工作的高级研究人员,其职称在副研究员之上

  1. 缺乏耐力和毅力的人不可能成为出色的研究员。

    Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher .

  2. 费伊先生将担任皇家学会研究员的职务。

    Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society .

  3. 成为这所学院的研究员是极大的荣誉。

    It was a rare honour to be made a fellow of the college .

  4. 他在克莱尔学院得到了一个研究员职位。

    He was offered a research fellowship at Clare College .

  5. 他接受了剑桥大学的研究员一职。

    He has accepted a research professorship at Cambridge University .

  6. 她曾经是化学研究员。

    She worked as a research chemist .

  7. 她给他找了一个级别很高的闲职:国会图书馆研究员。

    She found him an exalted sinecure as a Fellow of the Library of Congress .

  8. 研究员们对这个建议嗤之以鼻。

    Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn

  9. 你如果做那件事就会丧失研究员职位。

    You 'll lose your fellowship if you do that .

  10. 最近,研究员发现金伯利岩矿床,暗示着钻石的存在。

    Researchers recently found kimberlite deposits hinting at the existence of diamonds .

  11. 但美国研究员私下里抱怨预算限制,破冰船少于俄罗斯限制了美国在南极洲的扩展进程。

    But US researchers quietly complain about budget restraints and having far fewer icebreakers the Russia , limiting the reach of the United States in Antarctica .

  12. 在南极洲的其他地方,俄罗斯研究员吹嘘他们钻透数英里坚冰后,发现了像安大略湖大小的淡水储量。

    Elsewhere in Antarctica , Russian researchers boast of their recent discovery of a freshwater reserve the size of Lake Ontario after drilling through miles of solid ice .

  13. 2014年,韩国开放了其第二南极科研基地,说是检验韩国研究员研发的用于极端环境的机器人。

    South Korea opened its second Antarctic research base in 2014 , describing it as a way to test robots developed by Korean researchers for use in extreme conditions .

  14. 数据学家卡西克·拉姆认为,在有些情况下,资深的同事——他们中很多都是选拔和晋升委员会的负责人能嘲讽他们认为是浪费精力的事情时,初级研究员也就很难信奉开放精神了。

    In some cases , says data scientist Karthik Ram , it may be difficult for junior researchers to embrace openness when senior colleagues — many of whom head selection and promotion committees — might ridicule what they may view as misplaced energies .

  15. 加州大学洛杉矶分校睡眠研究员、医学教授刘教授把睡眠不足的人带进实验室,让他们每晚睡大约10个小时并加以记录,结果显示被研究者胰岛素处理血糖的能力有所提高。

    When Liu , the UCLA sleep researcher and professor of medicine , brought caters sleep-restricted people into the lab for a weekend of sleep during which they logged about 10 hours per night , they showed improvements in the ability of insulin to process blood sugar .

  16. 经济研究员莎拉·约翰逊说,“不一定。”

    Not necessarily , says economic researcher Sara Johnson .

  17. 因此兰德公司的两位研究员提出以下建议。

    So here 's a suggestion offered by two researchers at the Rand Corporation .

  18. 一天,一位名吉尔·普莱斯的年轻女士给神经科学专家兼记忆研究员吉姆·麦高夫发邮件,声称她能记起12岁以来每一天的生活。

    Emailing the neuroscientist and memory researcher Jim McGaugh one day , she claimed that she could recall every day of her life since the age of 12 .

  19. 首席研究员高木佐保在一次新闻发布会上说道,“猫利用对于噪音或声音的一种因果逻辑理解来预测看不见的物体的出现。”

    " Cats use a causal-logical understanding of noise or sounds to predict the appearance of invisible objects , " lead researcher Saho Takagi says in a press release .

  20. 由马丁·雷曼领导的研究员们,进行了一系列实验,以确定人们是否愿意选择配有非食物类小东西的小份食物。

    The researchers , led by Martin Reimann , carried out a series of experiments to see if people would choose a smaller meal if it was paired with a non-food item .

  21. 布朗大学医学院睡眠研究员玛丽·卡斯卡顿博士说:"越来越多的孩子睡觉时开着电视,不睡觉的机会增加了,用在家庭作业、互联网和手机上的时间增加了。"。

    " More children are going to bed with TVs on , and there are more opportunities to stay awake , with more homework , the Internet and the phone , " says Dr . Mary Carskadon , a sleep researcher at Brown University Medical School .

  22. 这项研究的首席研究员PayamDadvand博士说:"我们的发现表明,在生命早期接触绿色的空间可能导致大脑出现有益的结构变化。"

    Says Dr. Payam Dadvand , the leading researcher of the study , " Our findings suggest that exposure to green space early in life could result in beneficial structural changes in the brain . "

  23. 现在,42岁的严成了普林斯顿大学的首席生物学研究员。

    Now . Yan , 42 , has become a leading biology researcher at Princeton .

  24. 首席研究员亚历克斯·马丁内斯说:“我们相信,导致这些彩色图案的是中枢神经系统触发血液流动时的微小变化。”

    " We believe these color patterns are the result of small changes in blood flow triggered by the central nervous system . " Lead researcher Alex Martinez said .

  25. 首席研究员之一约翰麦吉汉说:"我们已经制造出了一种改良的酶。"

    John   McGeehan ,   one   of   the   lead   researchers ,   said ,   " We 've   made   an   improved   enzyme . "

  26. Bruyere研究院和加拿大渥太华大学研究员艾米·许博士称:“‘生命计算器’可以让家人和他们的挚爱有所准备”。

    Dr Amy Hsu , an investigator7 at the Bruyere Research Institute and at the University of Ottawa in Canada , said : " The RESPECT calculator allows families and their loved ones to plan .

  27. 这项综合了12所大学和气象机构的9位气象研究员的成果的研究基于2012年美国宇航局DC-8风暴追逐机开展的一项空中飞行实验。这架飞机用于查看雷暴云顶层的砧状云。

    The study , which included contributions from nine atmospheric7 researchers across a dozen universities and meteorological agencies , was based on an airborne research flight conducted by a NASA DC-8 storm-chasing plane in 2012 .

  28. 拜尔·沙伊博诺夫�杜布纳联合核子研究所高级研究员

    Bair Shaiybonov , Senior Researcher , Joint4 Institute for Nuclear Research

  29. 塞巴斯蒂安·弗斯�珊瑚礁研究员和生态学家

    Sebastian Ferse , coral reef researcher and ecologist

  30. 洛马林达大学的研究员们假设,18-19小时空腹可以重新发动人体的新陈代谢,以帮助高效燃烧卡路里。

    The Loma Linda University researchers hypothesize that 18 - to 19-hour overnight dietary fasts reboot our metabolisms to help our bodies burn calories efficiently3 .