
  • 网络General Patton;General George S. Patton
  1. 在没有指明出处的情况下,他剽窃了乔治•巴顿将军(GeneralGeorgeS.Patton)的话,并笨拙地用它们激励那些存在抵触情绪的管道工程师团队。

    He had lifted the words of General George S. Patton with no attribution , and clumsily adapted them to spur on his team of recalcitrant pipeline engineers .

  2. 想象中的人物埃内斯托·佩雷斯·马松(ErnestoPérezMasón)努力创作他的中篇小说,称之为“一出性幻想,也是激烈的反美狂想,主角是艾森豪威尔将军与巴顿将军”;

    The imaginary Ernesto P é rez Mas ó n , who pounds away at his novella that is " an erotic and fiercely anti-U.S.A. fantasy , whose protagonists were General Eisenhower and General Patton " ;

  3. 他被安排在美国海军的梅格斯号运兵船(USSM.C.Meigs)上,战争中的大多数时间都在为巴顿将军向意大利运输部队。

    He was deployed on the USS General M. C. Meigs and spent much of the war ferrying troops to Italy for General Patton .

  4. 陆军现在由巴顿将军直接指挥。

    The army is now under the direct command of General Barton .

  5. 真正成功的创业家,同时具备了毕卡索与巴顿将军的特质。

    Truly successful entrepreneurs combine the features of Pablo Picasso and General George Patton .

  6. 巴顿将军以果敢著称。

    General Patton was known for his decisive manner

  7. 巴顿将军之活泼领导与严明纪律,使第二军的士气迅速恢复过来。

    General Patton 's buoyant leadership and strict insistence upon discipline rapidly rejuvenated the II Corps .

  8. 在此次战役中,巴顿将军曾发生一件不幸的掌掴事件。

    It was during this campaign that the unfortunate " slapping incident " involving General Patton took place .

  9. 8月初,斗志昂扬的坦克司令乔治-巴顿将军穿过了法国北部,直捣巴黎。

    By early August the dashing tank commander General George Patton was rushing headlong across northern France toward Paris .

  10. 日军偷袭珍珠港后的第二天,他就自愿应征入伍,在巴顿将军麾下,转战南北,横扫欧洲。

    The day after Pearl Harbor he signed up for duty , joined Patton 's army and marched across Europe .

  11. 中校曾经是巴顿将军的副官,经历过战争和许多挫折,在一次意外事故中双眼被炸瞎。

    Lieutenant Colonel Patton 's aide had been experienced wars and many setbacks , in an accident in his eyes was blown blind .

  12. 戴·那代尔的任务是摸清驻扎在东英吉利,由巴顿将军统率的美国第一军团的实力。

    Die Nadel 's orders are to assess the strength of the First United States Army Group under General Patton in East Anglia .

  13. 在西西里战役中,巴顿将军走访了一个受到弹震症的士兵,他却扇了他两耳光。

    During the Campaign in Sicily , Patton visited a soldier suffering from shell shock , and his response was to slap him twice .

  14. 我的祖父曾经在巴顿将军的部队里服役,但我没有像你们许多人那样拥有亲历战场的体验。

    My grandfather marched in Patton 's Army , but I cannot know what it is to walk into battle like so many of you .

  15. 请记住巴顿将军的名言:“今天认真执行的好计划,远远比明天的完美计划好得多。”

    Remember what General George S.Patton said : " A good plan violently executed today is far and away better than a perfect plan tomorrow . "

  16. 当巴顿将军攻占莱比锡后,我们步行撤退至(“萨克森-捷克斯洛伐克边境”?)我们一直呆在那里,直到战争结束。

    When General Patton took Leipzig we were evacuated on foot to ( 'the Saxony-Czechoslovakian border ' ? ) . There we remained until the war ended .

  17. 在新成立的美国第三集团军司令巴顿将军身上,美国人找到了一个坦克将军,与非洲的隆美尔一样骁勇善战。

    In General Patton the commander of the newly formed US Third Army , the Americans had found a tank general with the dash and flair of Rommel in African .

  18. 手里攥着购物单,脑中牢记商品名,我离开奶奶家向蜜蜂小姐的杂货店挺进,这阵势就像当年巴顿将军征战北非一样。

    I left my Grandma 's house armed with my list - memorized to the letter - and marched into Miss Bee 's like General Patton marching into North Africa .

  19. 巴顿将军曾经说过:“衡量一个人的成功时,我并不看他能爬多高,而是看他能从多深的低谷爬起来。”

    General Patton once said : " I don 't measure a man 's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom . "

  20. 十二月八日,美国第三集团军司令乔治.巴顿将军打电话给第三集团军牧师说:「我们和德军作战之外,还要和泥泞、洪水搏斗,实在恼人。

    On8 December , General George Patton , Third US Army commander , called the Third Army chaplain on the phone . " I 'm tired of having to fight mud and floods as well as Germans ," he said .

  21. 巴顿将军是一个杰出的军队领袖,在对抗轴心国的战役中他率领军队取得了好几场主要的胜利,战争的胜利是付出了代价的,巴顿下令杀死了很多被俘虏的德国人和意大利人。

    General Patton was a great military leader , who won several major victories against the Axis forces . Victories come at a cost though , and there are claims that Patton ordered the killing of captive Germans and Italians .