
  • 网络Bali Roadmap;the Bali Road Map
  1. 清洁发展机制;巴厘路线图;减排技术;

    Clean Development Mechanism ; Bali Roadmap ; Mitigation technologies ;

  2. 虽然坎昆会议仍然没有能够达成一个具有法定约束力的文件,但是《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《京都议定书》、《巴厘路线图》得到了坚持,共同但有区别的责任得到了认同。

    Although Cancun was still not able to reach a legally binding document , but the " United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change "," Kyoto Protocol "," Bali road map " has been insisted , and " Common but differentiated responsibilities " has been recognized .

  3. 协议将会覆盖所有重要的事项,以及巴厘路线图的所有的决定。

    The agreement will cover all the key issues and all parts of the Bali mandates .

  4. 二是要做出有效机制安排,确保发达国家根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》的规定和巴厘路线图的规定,向发展中国家提供资金、技术转让和能力建设方面的支持和帮助。

    Second , effective mechanisms should be set up to ensure that developed countries provide financial and technological support to developing countries .

  5. 欧盟则强调,巴厘路线图经过三年磨合才产生了坎昆协议,‘我们不能再偏离轨道’。

    The European Union stressed that three years of negotiation under the Bali Action Plan had led to the Canc ú n Agreements , and " we cannot lose focus on what we agreed in Canc ú n " .

  6. 这项协议设定了一个“巴厘岛路线图”,表明了将如何展开今后的谈判。

    The agreement set out a " Bali Roadmap " stating how negotiations would proceed .

  7. 这将是今年谈判的模式,谈判官员们会在巴厘岛路线图上填写细节。

    That will be the pattern of negotiations this year , as officials fill in the details of the Bali " roadmap " .

  8. 在该公约指引下,签署了《京都议定书》和巴厘岛路线图等重要减排法律文件,形成了碳排放权交易机制。

    Several law documents were signed , such as The Kyoto Protocol and Bali Road Map and carbon trading system had formed under the guidance of UNFCCC .

  9. 国际气候制度的建构经历了《联合国气候变化框架公约》《京都议定书》‘巴厘岛路线图’的演变过程。

    The construction of the international climate regime through " United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change " " Kyoto Protocol " ' Bali road map ' .

  10. 事实上,美国已经在短时间内做出了极大改变。支持巴厘岛路线图,说明美国已经承认:关于全球变暖的科学证据是不容置疑的,如果不减排,地球可能遭遇严重问题。

    Indeed , America has come a long way in a short space of time . By supporting the Bali text , it has accepted that scientific evidence for global warming is unequivocal and that the planet could be in serious trouble unless emissions are cut .