
  • 网络battelle;Bartel;Battle;Mengke Bateer
  1. 冷静,巴特尔我不想伤害你。

    Calm down bartel , I don 't wanna hurt you .

  2. 我象你那样说巴特尔我坚持。

    I did like you said Mr bartel . I insisted .

  3. 易建联是继姚明、王治郅和巴特尔之后第四个加入NBA的中国人。

    Yi will be the fourth Chinese to play in NBA following Yao , Wang Zhizhi and Menke Bateer .

  4. 这名7英尺高的动力前锋成为继2002年王治郅,巴特尔和姚明被选为休斯敦火箭队NBA之后的第四名中国选手。

    The7-foot power forward becomes the fourth Chinese player to make the NBA after Wang Zhizhi , Menk Bateer and Yao Ming , who was selected by the Houston Rockets with the first pick in2002 .

  5. 方法:利用显微鉴别及理化鉴别方法对蒙药巴特尔&7丸进行定性研究。

    Methods : Micro identification and physical and chemical identification were used .

  6. 很好再吃巴特尔的汤,不是吗?

    Good to eat bartel 's soup again , isn 't it ?

  7. 结论蒙药巴特尔-7有明显的体外抑菌作用,抗病毒作用有待进一步研究。

    Conclusion Mongolian herb Bater-7 has bacteriostasis function to the bacteria such as S.aureas .

  8. 好的,巴特尔,冷静我不去乡村。

    Ok , bartel , calm down , I won 't go to the village .

  9. 然后,巴特尔博士与皮萨罗博士将电车难题测试的结果与性格测试的结果联系了起来。

    Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro then correlated the results from the trolleyology with those from the personality tests .

  10. 目的通过蒙药巴特尔-7的体外抑菌作用,进一步弄清它的药理作用。

    Objective To clarify the of pharmacological function of Mongolian herb Bater-7 according to the in vitro bacteriostasis experiment .

  11. 中国队的中锋每场得分比对手少3.9分,其中姚明的效率达到了0.66,巴特尔为0.18。

    The center players score 3.9 less than the rivals , the efficiency of Yao ming is 0.66, 0.18 for Bater .

  12. 近年来,中国队涌现出了像姚明、巴特尔这样世界级别的强有力的高中锋。

    In recent years , the Chinese team emerged as the Yao Ming , Bateer , who are world-class high-level center .

  13. 麦莱夫林接著追在巴特尔身后跑上楼梯,并且对准他的额头开了致命的一枪,证人们说。

    McLaughlin then chased Bartell up a flight of stairs and fired a fatal shot into his forehead , witnesses said .

  14. 王治郅、姚明和巴特尔三位巨人在那次奥运会上组成了中国国家队的“流动长城”。

    Together with fellow goliaths Yao Ming and Batere , Wang forms the " Walking Great Wall " for the Chinese national team .

  15. 他同中国国家队的姚明和巴特尔一道,组成了名闻遐迩的活长城。

    He was combined with Chinese national team teammates Yao Ming and Bateer to form what became known as @ The Walking Great Wall .

  16. 姚明表示并不只有自己在广告中,其中还有他的国家队队友郭士强和巴特尔。

    " Yao Ming isn 't alone in the photo and he is with his national team-mates Bateer and Guo ," Wang told Xinhua .

  17. 巴特尔说,他和同事们买了一台新印刷机,加以改造,让它可以用食用色素替代印刷油墨印刷。

    Mr Buttel said he and his colleagues had bought a new printer and modified it to run on food colouring instead of ink .

  18. 巴特尔博士与皮萨罗博士从之前的研究中了解到,约有90%的人拒绝作出这种杀一救五的功利行为。

    Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro knew from previous research that around 90 % of people refuse the utilitarian act of killing one individual to save five .

  19. 图像中显示有他的国家队队友郭士强和效力于马刺队的中锋巴特尔。

    In the image in question , Yao Ming appears with China team-mates Guo Shiqiang and Menk Bateer , who is a reserve center with the San Antonio Spurs .

  20. 今年46岁的戴夫,住在东萨塞克斯郡巴特尔附近的一个180英亩的大农场里,他把家里的车改装成了一条大狗,以纪念他刚刚去世的狗狗弗洛斯。

    Mr Issac , 46 , who lives on an 180-acre farm near Battle in East Sussex , converted the family car into a working sheep dog in tribute to his dog which had recently died .

  21. 巴特尔表示,他1999年离开公司时的演讲准备得很辛苦它太重要了,以至于不能即兴发挥同时要考虑到,这种场合需要你拿出一些不同寻常的东西。

    Mr Bartle says he worked very hard on the speech he made when he left the company in 1999 – too important to improvise – and thinks the occasion demands you come up with something out of the ordinary .