
  • 网络Research hypothesis
  1. 接着,根据实地调研获得原始数据,运用SPSS统计软件,通过假设检验和实证分析,对研究假设进行论证。

    Thirdly , based on field research to obtain the original data , it uses SPSS statistical software to demonstrate the research hypothesis through hypothesis testing and empirical analysis .

  2. 依据对基本概念的界定和EVA理念与公司治理结构之间的内在联系,提出了研究假设,建立了理论分析模型。

    According to the definition of basic concepts and the internal link between the idea of EVA and corporate governance structure , the author brings up the research hypothesis and develops a theoretical analysis model .

  3. 其次在综述文献的基础上提出了三个研究假设,并借鉴前人的经验选取了logistic回归模型作为计量工具,而且详细介绍了所选变量。

    Secondly it puts forward three research hypotheses and chose logistic regression model as measurement tools , and introduces in detail the selected variables .

  4. 本论文以150家国有企业集团和684家附属企业为样本,通过问卷调查采集数据,利用SPSS软件工具对研究假设进行了检验和分析。

    The dissertation takes as samples 150 state-owned business groups and 684 of their affiliated firms , collects data by questionnaire surveys , and tests and analyzes the research hypotheses by SPSS .

  5. 在此基础上分析其客户忠诚驱动机理,提出了CRM在酒类企业B2B应用中的客户忠诚驱动模型及研究假设。

    Based on these , it analyze the driving mechanism in customer loyalty , the paper raises driven model of customer loyalty and research hypotheses on B2B CRM in wine industry enterprises .

  6. 在完成数据收集后,将数据置入分析模型,分别运用SPSS信度分析、因子分析、方差分析、相关分析等方法对量表的信度与效度以及研究假设进行检验。

    After the completion of data collection , SPSS reliability analysis , factor analysis , variance analysis , mean analysis and correlation analysis were used in this study to test scale reliability , validity and hypotheses .

  7. 接下来,论文通过讨论基于4Ps的营销策略对消费者首次购买决策过程的影响,提出研究假设并构建实证模型。

    Third , by discussing the marketing mix 's influence on first time purchase decision-making process , the paper proposes hypothesises and then builds empirical model .

  8. MGD提供了一个数据挖掘平台,它使得基于比较基因型、表型和功能分析的转化研究假设的发展成为可能。

    MGD provides a data mining platform that enables the development of translational research hypotheses based on comparative genotype , phenotype and functional analyses .

  9. 首先,综合运用样本均值T检验、中值Wilcoxon检验、相关分析、回归分析等多种方法对研究假设进行实证检验。

    First of all , I make comprehensive use of T test sample mean , median Wilcoxon test , correlation analysis , regression analysis and other methods to verify hypotheses .

  10. 然后在此基础上,进行变量定义和测量,利用企业战略人力资源管理问卷调查所获得的数据,对SHRM与核心员工保留关系模型的有关研究假设进行检验,并对实证结果做出解释。

    Then the paper discusses the relation between SHRM and key employee retention from quantity view based on the research model and the survey data from SHRM questionnaires . Furthermore , this chapter explains the result of the empirical research .

  11. 该研究假设土壤水力动力特性可用Brooks-Corey模型来描述,结合Darcy定理和质量守恒推导了基于两组负水头下入渗数据来估计Brooks-Corey模型参数的方法。

    Taking an assumption that soil hydraulic properties could be described by Brooks-Corey model , the Brooks-Corey model parameters based on soil water infiltration data under two different negative water pressures by combining the Darcy theorem with mass conservation were discussed .

  12. 本研究假设RUPV隔离可损伤脂肪垫而导致心房去迷走神经,从而改变迷走神经介导的房颤易感性。

    This study was to investigate the impact of RUPV isolation on vagal innervation to atria based on the hypothesis that RUPV isolation could result in the damage of the epicardia fat pad .

  13. 本文的研究假设是市场的弱势有效性。

    The hypothesis of this dissertation is the weak-form efficient market .

  14. 相关性分析的结果也初步证明了本文的研究假设。

    Univariate analysis results initially proved the assumption of this study .

  15. 最后进行实证分析,检验研究假设和关联模型。

    At last we make positive analysis to test the hypothesizes .

  16. 四个模型共有28个主要影响因素,44个研究假设。

    Four models contain 28 main factors and 44 research hypotheses .

  17. 再次,提出本文的研究假设并建立研究模型。

    Thirdly , raise the hypothesis and establish the research model .

  18. 在此基础上,提出论文的研究假设。

    On this basis , the paper put forward the research hypothesis .

  19. 在实证部分,提出两点研究假设。

    In the empirical part of the proposed two-point hypothesis .

  20. 另外,在研究假设方面的创新也值得一提。

    In addition , the innovation in hypothesis is also worth mentioning .

  21. 第四章介绍数据来源、研究假设以及构建模型。

    The fourth chapter introduce the data resource , research assumption and modal .

  22. 在模型变量的基础上,提出相应的研究假设。

    On the basis of model variables , it proposed the corresponding hypotheses .

  23. 第四章是本文的重点,主要是对研究假设进行实证研究。

    Chapter four is the focus of this paper .

  24. 实证分析结果显示,本文的研究假设基本得到了验证。

    The empirical results show that the basic assumption of the study was verified .

  25. 根据这样的结论,本文提出研究假设的第一部分。

    According to these conclusions , this dissertation presents the first part of hypothesis .

  26. 第一部分,研究假设。

    The first part , Research assumptions .

  27. 文章简略地介绍了所使用的社会调查方法,并形成了两个研究假设。

    The article introduces briefly the social investigation method used and forms two research hypotheses .

  28. 第三部分阐述代理理论以及管理者薪酬理论,并结合相关理论提出本文的两个研究假设。

    The third part shows agency theory and managerial compensation theory to strengthen the hypotheses .

  29. 本研究假设模型当中的组织因素包含的四个变量均对离职倾向具有直接显著的影响。

    The four variables in the organization factors all have significantly relation with turnover intention .

  30. 主要是在文献综述的基础上提出研究假设,构建研究架构。

    Based on the literature review of the research , the author presents hypothesis and research model .