
  • 网络subdivision of land
  1. 成片的土地划分为个别地段的房屋发展。

    A tract of land divided into individual lots for a housing development .

  2. 现在,他把这块土地划分成了100份,想要为富人打造“迷你酒庄”。

    Now he 's dividing it into 100 parcels to create " mini chateaus " for the wealthy .

  3. 在第一次分开的基础上再分开的,例如,把一块土地划分成若干份。

    Divided again after a first division , e.g. of a tract of land , divided into lots .

  4. 提出了以适地适树原则,以光、水、土壤3个自然要素,把石漠化土地划分为6个类型,提出了不同的生物治理的措施。

    And classifies desertification land into 6 types , combing 3 natural key elements namely light , water and soil , according to principle of favored trees for suitable land . Then various measures for biological control are put forth .

  5. 综合评价法在城镇土地级别划分中的应用

    Apply on Method of Integrate Appraise on City Land Gradation

  6. 城市土地级别划分的方法研究&以北京城市土地定级为例

    A Study on City Land Gradation & Take Beijing City as Example

  7. 运用克里金空间插值技术进行土地级别划分

    Research on Using Kriging Spatial Interpolation Technology in Land Classification for Urban Area

  8. 杭州市城市土地类型划分

    An analysis of geographical environment and land-type classification in thg city of Hangzhou

  9. 农用土地类型划分与制图

    Division of the Farmland Types and Drawing

  10. 本文在科学上研究提出适用于研究地区耕地分等的土地类型划分方法。

    Based on scientific research , this paper has put forward cultivated land classification method being suitable for research of cultivated land .

  11. 河北太行山区正面临着综合治理开发,迫切需要一个切合实际的土地类型划分标准。

    In Taihang Mountain area , Hebei province , a suitable standard of land types classification is needed for comprehensive harness and economic development of the area .

  12. 对于空间效应,从城市中心的不同影响力、城市空间扩张、交通发展、城市规划布局、土地等级划分政策等五个方面进行了原因解释。

    For spatial effect , we explain the reasons from five aspects , which are the different influence of urban centers , the expansion of urban space , transport development , urban planning and layout and land grading policy .

  13. 基于GIS的湘中紫色土丘陵地区土地资源类型划分

    Land resource classification based on GIS for the purple soul unland region in the middle part of Hunan Province

  14. 西金沙已合法对MaiKhao的土地进行了划分,MaiKhao由合法建立的公司拥有。

    West Sands has legally subdivided land plots at Mai Khao which are owned by properly established companies .

  15. 运用K-均值聚类法对炎陵县研究区的土地级别进行划分,效果较为明显和理想。

    Use the method of K-means clustering method , the results is very clear and satisfactory .

  16. 中国土地利用类型划分;

    Classification of land use ;

  17. 城市化加速推进中的农村土地冲突类型划分&以江西省为例

    Determination of Rural Land Conflict Type within a Faster Process of Urbanization & Taking Jiangxi Province as an Example

  18. 土地类型的划分,是进行总体规划的基础,是确定每一块土地合理利用时行之有效的办法。

    The classification of land types is the foundation of general planning and an effective method to use land reasonably .

  19. 建议在修订这方面政策时,可以根据土地级别的划分,制订不同级别的修正系数,以体现这方面的差异。

    It is proposed that the ratios are different with the division of the land level to fully reflect this factor .

  20. 本文在实践上研究提出是否可以通过对土地类型的划分为当前所进行的耕地分等提供一种新的思路。

    Based on the practice , a new idea that if the present cultivated land classification can be used in classification of land type was offered .

  21. 根据该标准,农村土地纠纷可以划分为四种类型:土地承包经营纠纷、土地征收纠纷、土地流转纠纷和土地权属纠纷。

    According to the standard , the rural land disputes can be divided into four types : land contracting business disputes , the land expropriation disputes , land circulation disputes and land ownership dispute .

  22. 有关农村土地纠纷类型划分的标准,本文在总结既有研究的基础上,提出自己的划分标准,即农村土地纠纷的性质和法律规定。

    Concerning about the classification standard of the rural land disputes , the paper , based on the conclusion of existing research , puts forward the division standard of itself , that is , the nature and law of the rural land disputes .

  23. 基于SOFM网络的云南省土地利用程度类型划分研究

    Classification of Land Use Degree in Yunnan Province Based on SOFM Networks

  24. 为农村土地纠纷类型的划分奠定基础。

    The type partition establishes a basis for rural area land disputes .

  25. 哈尔滨东部城乡土地梯度带的划分及景观结构

    Division of land gradient zone and analysis of landscape structure in eastern Harbin urban and suburb

  26. 包括复垦土地评价单元的划分、评价因素及评价指标体系的选择和确定以及适宜性评价。

    More importance was put on dividing the evaluation units , selecting evaluation factors , choosing and determining the evaluation index system and the evaluation results .

  27. 在上述分析的基础上,对本区土地进行了类型划分,建立起二级土地类型自然分类系统;

    Baced on the above analysis , the writer classifies the land in this region so that a two-level natural classification system of land is set up .

  28. 南非的土地制度历史可划分为原始时代、殖民阶段、种族隔离前期、种族隔离后期、过渡与改革时期等6个历史时期。

    The history of SA land system could be divided into 6 historical periods , namely : Origin , Colonization , Segregation , Apartheid , Transition and Reform .

  29. 采用非监督分类法和决策树分类法相结合,将本研究区土地覆盖分类系统划分为9个一级类别和21个二级类别。

    Through the combination of the unsupervised classification and decision tree classification methods , the land cover classification system of study area was divided into nine first-degree types and twenty-one second-degree types .

  30. 对农村地籍的测绘模式进行研究,内容主要有农村地籍的内涵和农村地区分类;农村土地权属单元的划分与所需的精度指标;农村地籍的测绘方式。

    It includes the content of the rural area cadastre and the characters of the rural land utility , the division of the landed estate unit and its accuracy indication , as well as the scheme of the cadastral surveying and mapping .