
tǔ dì quán
  • Land rights;land ownership
  1. 论完善我国土地权属争议调处工作机制

    On Perfection of Mediation Mechanism in Disputes of Land Ownership

  2. 协调矿业权与土地权、环境权益的关系。

    Coordinating mining right and earth land ownership , environment rights and interests relations .

  3. 他介绍了澳大利亚土著人土地权问题的历史。

    He introduced the history of the issue of Aboriginal land rights .

  4. 几位农民以及来自中国农业银行(abc)和潍坊市商业银行(weifangcommercialbank)的银行家表示,在一些地区,农民已开始用土地权作抵押,向银行申请创业贷款。

    In some areas farmers are starting to use land rights as collateral to secure bank loans for new businesses , according to several farmers and bankers , including those at the Agricultural Bank of China and Weifang commercial bank .

  5. 对于受到投资影响的人,投资者必须尊重其权利,尤其是土地权。

    Investors must respect the rights of local people affected by investments , in particular land rights .

  6. 还必须解决女性在农业中的作用以及土地权等棘手的问题。

    Thorny issues such as women 's role in agriculture and land tenure rights must also be tackled .

  7. 城市化过程中漠视农民的土地权,最终将导致大量农民失去土地成为流民,加剧社会严重的贫富分化,影响社会的稳定。

    The negligence of farmers ' ownership of land in the process of urbanization will ultimately cause farmers will lose land and become vagrant , which will prick up the polarization of richness and poverty , hence will menace social stabilization .

  8. 亚洲和全世界年轻人共同面临的诸多问题腐败、土地权、污染、食品和产品安全问题从根本上都关系到公开性和透明度,关系到更多的权利和自由。

    And the issues that young people are seized with all across Asia and the world corruption , land rights , pollution , food and product safety these are all fundamentally linked to openness and transparency , to greater rights and freedom .

  9. 土地使用权可以依法转让。

    Land use right may be transferred by law .

  10. 第六十五条有下列情形之一的,农村集体经济组织报经原批准用地的人民政府批准,可以收回土地使用权:

    Article 65 In one of the following cases , the rural collective economic organizations may recover the land use right with the approval of the people 's government that gives the approval for the use of land :

  11. 情节特别严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处非法转让、倒卖土地使用权价额百分之五以上百分之二十以下罚金。

    it shall be sentenced to a prison term ranging from more than three years to less than seven years , with a fine ranging from more than 5 % to less than 20 % of the proceeds from the illegal transfer or trading of the land use right .

  12. 泡沫流体流变模式的研究表明幂律模式和H-B模式的层流流动完全能满足泡沫压裂液的实际流动.(2)土地空间权的形成基础。

    Based on most fracturing modes , fractures are often vertical and researches on the rheology of foam fluids indicate that laminar flow of power law mode and H-B mode are consistent to the flow of foam fluid . ( 2 ) Space law mode .

  13. 农村土地使用权转让问题初探

    Inquiry into the Transfer of the Right of Rural Land Use

  14. 国有划拨土地使用权年租金制研究与实施

    Study and Discussion on Annual Rent System of State-Owned Allocated Land

  15. 集体土地使用权流转分析及对策

    The Circulation Analysis and Countermeasures of Right to Ues Collective Land

  16. 当前农村土地使用权流转的分析与思考

    Analysis and Research on Farmland Circulation in Rural Areas at Present

  17. 土地空间权立法也因此具有重大意义。

    So , legislation about Land space right has great meaning .

  18. 借鉴高速公路模式,授予土地开发权或给予财政补贴;

    From highway mode , given financial subsidies or granted land exploitation ;

  19. 土地发展权论

    A Brief Discussion on the Right of Land Exploitation Land Development Right

  20. 非公共利益性质的征地行为与土地发展权补偿

    Land expropriation for a non-public purpose and compensation for its development right

  21. 农村土地使用权流转的现状与对策

    Current status and the countermeasures of transfer of rural land use right

  22. 我国政府土地征用权研究

    Research on the Right of Eminent Domain of Land of Our Government

  23. 论我国农村土地使用权的流转

    On Circulation of Right of Land Use in China Countryside

  24. 浅论农村土地经营权流转的法规制度建设

    On Law and Regulation Construction in Conversion of Rural Land Managerial Power

  25. 论土地使用权有偿转让的法律制度

    The Law Institution Of Non-gratuitous Transfer Of Land Use Right

  26. 中国土地发展权论纲

    An Outline on the Right of Land Development in China

  27. 港区土地使用权出让后续管理浅议

    Discussion on Succeeding Management of Land-use-right of Port Area after Land Transfer

  28. 国有土地使用权的权利冲突与解决

    The Confliction and Settlement of the Right of Use on the State Land

  29. 城中村改造中的土地使用权法律问题研究

    Studies on the Law of Land Usufruct on the Reform of Urban Villages

  30. 国有土地使用权出让中的技术要素

    Technical Factors in Selling Servitude of State Owned Land