
tǔ dì zū lìn
  • Land lease;lease of land
  1. 俄克拉荷马州的奥布雷?麦克伦登(AubreyMcClendon)和汤姆?沃德(TomWard)是从事土地租赁的专业人士;作为页岩气领域的先行者,他们成功地建起了美国第二大天然气生产商。

    Aubrey McClendon and Tom Ward of Oklahoma were land-leasing specialists ; they managed to build the nation 's second-largest gas producer by leading the charge into shale fields .

  2. 我国城市土地租赁的几个重要问题研究

    A Study of Key Issues in Urban Land Rental in China

  3. 芬兰公有土地租赁制度的特点与启示

    The Features of Public Land Leasing in Finland and Its Revelations

  4. 农地产权与农户土地租赁意愿研究

    Land Property Rights and Farmer Households ' Willingness of Farm Land Leasing

  5. 当前我国城市土地租赁制度建设

    The constitution of Leasehold System of Urban Land in China

  6. 果树种植最佳土地租赁期的数学模型建构

    The Mathematical Model of the Optimal Land Leasehold of The Fruit Tree Planting

  7. 城市土地租赁制度研究

    Study on the Land Leasehold System in Urban China

  8. 传统的做法是把土地租赁给一家伐木公司。

    The traditional way would be to lease the land to a logging company .

  9. 我国城市土地租赁的若干法律问题

    Legal Issues concerning Urban Land Tenancy in China

  10. 文章研究了企业改制中的土地租赁,并对安阳模式进行了个案分析。

    Land leasehold in enterprise reform is studied with the case study of Anyang Mode .

  11. 主题包含:农业议题:农民行为、土地租赁、连结市场;

    Topics include : Agricultural issues : peasant behavior , land tenancy , and interlinked markets .

  12. 土地租赁权的价格评估

    Valuation of Land Lease Right

  13. 国有土地租赁可以采取协议、招标、拍卖等方式。

    Lease of state-owned land may take the modes of agreement , bid invitation , auction , etc.

  14. 本办法适用于本市行政区域内的国有土地租赁活动。

    These Procedures are applicable to the lease of state-owned land within the administrative areas of this Municipality .

  15. 然而,英国的土地租赁期一般是125年,在这种情况下要逆转这种趋势几乎是不可能的。

    With domestic leases usually 125 years long , however , it is almost impossible to reverse the process .

  16. 这种公司所投资的地盘,大多数开发商都会避而远之,而此类公司所签土地租赁合同的期限也另很多地主瞠目结舌。

    They invest in land most developers would shun and use tenancy contracts that would make other landlords shudder .

  17. 城市土地租赁日渐成为我国重要的土地有偿使用方式,然而对其研究却较为淡薄。

    Urban land-lease becomes an important way of paid land use , but the study of this way seems weak .

  18. 以古巴比伦时期的土地租赁契约对土地租赁中的租金问题进行分析研究,可得出一些新的研究成果。

    This article has got some new points according to a lot of field-lease contracts belong to Old Babylon Period .

  19. 徐红说,她已听到有关土地租赁交易的传言,但公司尚未作出任何决定。

    Ms Xu said she had hear rumours of a land leasing deal but that nothing had been decided yet .

  20. 基于世界上采用地主港模式进行港口基础设施融资的港口地理分布,概述世界主要地区地主港融资实践和土地租赁情况。

    This chapter first summarizes landlord port financing and port land leasing practices according to the world port geographic distribution .

  21. 对年租制与批租制的本质进行了分析,辨析了国有土地租赁的相关概念。

    Nature of annual-rent approach and grant-land approach is also analyzed with differentiation of the concepts related to national land leasehold .

  22. 按照有关的土地租赁规定,该协议仍须徵得地政总署署长同意。

    As required by the relevant land lease , the agreement is subject to the consent of the director of lands .

  23. 研究目的分析农地产权状况对农户土地租赁意愿的影响。

    The purpose of this paper is to quarry out the influence of land property rights on farmer households ' land leasing desire .

  24. 许多人的转基因利润并非来自种植这种作物本身,而是来自把他们的土地租赁给商业农场主用于大规模生产。

    GM profits for many came not from growing the crop themselves , but from renting their land to commercial farmers for large-scale production .

  25. 我国民法应该顺应这个趋势,把土地租赁权明确地纳入物权法中的用益物权体系。土地租赁权的性质为物权化的债权。

    Our country should conform to this trend , bring land lease into future property law and regard it definitely as a type of usufruct .

  26. 在我国,土地租赁客体范围主要包括国有存量建设用地使用权和集体建设用地使用权。

    The object 's range of land lease should be mainly state-run stock construction land to use and collective construction land to use in China .

  27. 讨论了新的土地租赁方式,特别对土地税体系从取得、保有、流转环节进行了重新构建与完善,提出了自己的土地租税费体系构建方案。

    It discusses the new ways of land rent , newly buildes the land tax system from its three parts of acquisition , holding and Transactions .

  28. 通过理论与实践结合,对国有土地租赁制度进行评价,提出完善制度的建议和构想,并对其未来发展方向作出预测。

    Theories being integrated with practice , the author evaluates national land leasehold system , puts forward proposal for perfecting the system , and forecasts its further development .

  29. 在对地主港口土地租赁融资合约的租约形式及不同形式选择的影响因素分析基础上,将交易费用和风险因素引入港口融资的各种不同合约中,研究港口最优融资合约的选择条件。

    The optimal contract criteria is analysed based on forms of the landlord port lease financing contract and different influencial factors , especially transaction costs and risk factors .

  30. 由于原始材料的缺乏和古代语言文字的障碍,学术界对古巴比伦时期土地租赁中租金比率的研究,多年来一直没有取得突破。

    Owing to the lack of prime materials and the hindrance of ancient language , the research on the rent ratio of field-lease hasn 't got creationary achievement .