
  1. 阐述了欧几里德《几何原本》中译本的产生、基本内容结构及其在数字与人类文明史上的重要贡献。

    This paper expounds the production of the Chinese version of Euclid 's Geometry , its basic content structure and important contribution to Mathematics and the human civilized history .

  2. 数字图书馆是社会文明的标志。

    Digital libraries is the mark of society civilization .

  3. 建设数字方志传承华夏文明

    Developing Digital Local Chronicles and Inheriting Chinese Civilization

  4. 数字文化已成为数字技术文明的思想基础,其发达程度直接影响数字技术文明的发达程度。

    Digital culture has become the ideological foundation of digital technological civilization , whose developmental degree has a direct effect on that of digital technological civilization .