
  • 网络mathematical equation
  1. 答案可用一个数学方程式来表示。

    The solution can be expressed by a mathematical equation .

  2. 文中通过对灌溉泵站经济运行探讨,提出灌溉泵站经济运行的概念,并推导出其数学方程式。

    The author puts forward the conception of irrigation pumping station 's economical running and deduces its mathematical equation in this paper .

  3. 那个数学方程式,包括了x对时间的二阶导数,加上常数乘以x等于,还有一些限制条件。

    And the mathematics of that equation involved a double derivative in time of x0 plus some constant times x equals zero with some constraints on it .

  4. 根据一次表面热交换器(PSHE)的结构和流动特点,利用能量守恒定律,导出它的瞬态温度变化物理模型和数学方程式。

    Based on the conservation law of energy and on the characteristics of the structure and flow of the primary surface heat exchanger ( PSHE ), a physical model and corresponding mathematical equations of transient temperature are presented .

  5. 用电路仿真法求解数学方程式

    Solving mathematical equations by circuit simulation and modeling method

  6. 二辊穿轧时变形区的数学方程式

    A mathematical treatment on deformation zone in two-rolls piercing

  7. 门齐奥解释称,“另一种语言”其实是他准备到锡拉丘兹演讲的数学方程式。

    Menzio explained that " other language " was a math equation for his speech in Syracuse .

  8. 本文以两相交圆柱为例,探讨用数学方程式精确求解相贯线。

    The paper , taking two intersected cylinders as example , inquires into the solution of precise crossed line with mathmatics equation .

  9. 从理论上分析了平纹织物的交织阻力,提出了相应的物理模型和数学方程式。

    The interweave resistance of plain cloth is analysed theoretically and the relative physical model and mathematical equation are proposed in this paper .

  10. 但是这种数学方程式很长,而且它比并入方程式(2)的图式显不出更多的优点。

    The mathematical formulation becomes lengthy and does not appear to offer much advantage over the scheme incorporated in equation ( 2 ) .

  11. 当时奎多·门齐奥在飞机上并没有闲聊,而是忙于运算出一道数学方程式,在飞机降落到锡拉丘兹后,他将发表一个演讲。

    Instead of idle chit chat , Menzio worked on a math equation for a speech he was due to give after landing in Syracuse .

  12. 虽然计算机在复杂的数学方程式方面比人类更强,但人类大脑在一些认知功能方面,比如嗅觉,表现得更好。

    While computers are better than humans at complex mathematical equations , the brain is better at a number of cognitive functions such as smelling .

  13. 本文的内容为推演凸轮轴设置区域边界线的数学方程式,并举例计算。

    In this paper , the formulas used to calculate the region for the location of cam (?) haft are deduced , and shown with examples .

  14. 在第一个问题集中我们将会探索诸如“酶在生物系统中如何运作”以及“此系统如何简化为数学方程式模型”等问题;

    The first problem set explores how enzymes work in a biological system , and how the system can be reduced to mathematical equations that are useful for modeling .

  15. 从理论上分析了纬平针织物钩丝的力学规律,提出了相应的物理模型和数学方程式,设计了新的钩丝测试方法。

    The snag mechanism is analysed for plain-knitted fabric with proposed physical model and mathematical equation of snag processing . A new testing method is designed and results are introduced .

  16. 用该问卷对具有不同定向技能水平的运动员进行测试,将测试结果运用定向技能评价数学方程式进行计算,得到了不同技能水平运动员的定向技能得分。

    Then athletes with different orienteering skills were tested with the questionaires and then the author calculated the results using the math equation of orienteering skill evaluating and gained their scores .

  17. 人类总是觉得他们具备一些独特的能力,诸如能够使用工具、采用一种具有语法规则的语言和处理复杂的数学方程式。

    Human beings like to think of themselves as possessing unique capabilities such as being able to use tools , employ a language with syntactic rules and process complex mathematical equations .

  18. 本文系统介绍了这两个溶液理论模型的热力学和统计热力学基础,介绍了这两个理论模型的主要数学方程式,以及在湿法和火法冶金中的可能应用。

    The thermodynamic and statistical basis of the ideal-like solution model and dilute-like solution model and their main working equations were presented . Their possible applications in hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processes were also discussed .

  19. 通过分析过程的物理-化学本质和机理,利用化学工程学的基本理论来建立一套描述过程特性的数学方程式及边界条件。

    Through the analysis of physical-chemical essence and mechanism of the process , we can use fundamental theories of chemical engineering to establish a set of mathematical equations and boundary conditions to depict the process characters .

  20. 我们都了解公鸡啼鸣不是太阳升起的原因,但是,即便如此简单的事实要用一种数学方程式来表达也不容易(怀疑者们可以尝试)。

    We all understand that the rooster 's crow does not cause the sun to rise , but even this simple fact cannot easily be expressed in a mathematical formula ( skeptics are invited to try ) .

  21. 推导出这种双头单螺杆泵的转子和定子线型的数学方程式,并利用Pro/E对其进行虚拟建模,为双头单螺杆泵的加工及改进提供参考。

    The expressions of linear of stator and rotor are derived and being dummy modeling with the Pro / Engineer wildfire aiming at offering the reference for future process and amending of the double helix single screw pump .

  22. 介绍了大型离心风机防喘振控制的数学方程式,提出了机组运行和切换中消除喘振的措施,对性能曲线呈驼峰状的风机进行了稳定性分析。

    The paper introduced the anti-surging control mathematic equations of large centrifugal blower and made stability analysis of unstable characteristic curve of the blower . Some measures of relieving surge in running and switching of blowers are put forward .

  23. 首先分析外海流系,沿岸流系,风海流、潮流,并以数学方程式描述之,然后作半浮体漂移的推算,最后以实例验证。

    At frist , the outer sea current system , the coastal current system , the wind sea current and tide are analysed with the description of mathematical equations . Then , the drift of semi-floating body is predicted and checked with an example .

  24. 本文介绍了典型振荡反应的特点、机理、数学模型、动力学方程式及在化学和生物学中的某些应用。

    This paper introduces the features , mechanism , mathematical model , dynamic equations of the classic chemical oscillation and some applications in chemistry and biology .

  25. 采用有效系数法对膜生物污染数学模型的微分方程式进行求解,建立了膜生物污染数学模型。

    In this study , mathematical model of biological fouling is constructed . In order to get the stable convergence solutions of differential equation , count method based on coefficient of efficiency is taken .

  26. 建筑火灾区域模拟的工作核心有两部分:建立火灾发展过程中各个现象的数学模型;通过求解数学方程式得到室内压力、温度和烟气层高度等火灾参数。

    The construction of fire zone modeling involves two crucial steps : : establishing mathematical model for every phenomenon existing in course of a fire , and calculating some fire parameters such as compartment pressure , temperature , and height of smoke layer by solving equations .

  27. 这就要求利用逐步近似法来发展一种数学模式,通过解答一整套数学方程式取得精确分析结果。

    He developed a mathematical model that produces precise analytical solutions by solving of a set of mathematical equations .