
  1. 另一个著名的奖项沃尔夫数学奖(WolfPrizeinMathematics),至今也没有女性得主。

    No woman has won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics , another prestigious award .

  2. 最好的回答,可能是女性诺贝尔数学奖得主。

    The best answer may be a f.nobel winner in math .

  3. 她轻而易举赢得了全校数学奖和理科奖。

    She waltzed off with the school prizes for maths and science .

  4. 沃尔夫农业奖和数学奖

    Ricardo Wolf Agricultural Prize and Mathematical Prize

  5. 这是我得的数学奖。

    This was a prize for arithmetic .

  6. 他还以为是因为他又一次获得了学校的最高数学奖。

    He thought it was because he had won , yet again , the school 's top math prize .

  7. 数学奖:授予历史上各色的世界末日预言家们,以表彰他们“以实际行动告诉世人,在进行数学估算时小心谨慎是多么的重要”。

    MATHEMATICS : Assorted doomsday predictors throughout history for teaching the world to be careful when making mathematical assumptions and calculations 。

  8. 津巴布韦储备银行的行长获得了“另类诺贝尔数学奖”,因为其印制的钞票面额由小到大差异巨大。

    The governor of Zimbabwe 's Reserve Bank received the prize for mathematics for printing bank notes with such a wide range of denominations .

  9. 但有过一项高层次的专项数学奖,却不那么被人知晓(尤其在国内),这就是国际奖金。

    But there is a special high-level maths prize which is not so well-known ( esp. at home ), that is , the International Lobachevski Prize .

  10. 科学史上有许多广为人知的数学奖,它们对数学科学的发展起了重要的作用。

    In the history of science there have been many maths prizes known to all , which play an important role to the development of maths .

  11. 阐明了24位沃尔夫数学奖得主的建树及数学成就、学术思想、教育思想、治学态度和方法,是广大读者特别是数学研究工作者、数学教师和数学爱好者的学习榜样。

    The contribution of the24 Ricardo Wolf Prize winners has set examples to the reading ptlblic , especially to researchers , teachers and enthusiasts of mathematics , academic thought , educational thought , and the attitude and ways of pursuing their studies .

  12. 不只是x奖和千禧年数学问题奖,就连肺炎球菌病毒疫苗奖也有一部分资金是由私人资本提供的。

    Not only the X prizes and the Millennium problems prize , but even the pneumococcal vaccine prize is part-funded by private money .

  13. 2006年获邵逸夫数学科学奖。

    He also received the Shaw Award in 2006 .

  14. 至于中心限制定理,他申请研究员时的论文入选了那个夏天的剑桥数学论文史密斯奖。

    As for the Central Limit Theorem , his fellowship dissertation was entered for the Cambridge mathematical essay competition , the Smith 's Prize , that summer .

  15. 一名伊朗数学家成了首位荣获菲尔茨奖(FieldsMedal)的女性;该奖项被认为是数学界的诺贝尔奖(NobelPrize)。

    An Iranian mathematician is the first woman ever to receive a Fields Medal , often considered to be mathematics ' equivalent of the Nobel Prize .

  16. 菲尔兹奖:数学领域的诺贝尔奖

    Fields Medal : " Noble Prize for Mathematics "

  17. 我获得了94-95学年的学校奖学金,以及1993年获得了全省奥林匹克数学竞赛二等奖。

    Peter : Yes , I got the university scholarship in1994 ~ 1995 academic year , received the second-class award in the Olympic Mathematics Competition of our province in1993 .

  18. 回想获颁数学上的菲尔兹奖时,我并无持有任何国家的护照,因此我是以堂堂正正中国人的身份去领奖的。

    I am proud to say that when I was awarded the Field 's Medal in mathematics , I held no passport of any country and should certainly be considered as Chinese .

  19. 上周六,奥斯卡获奖影片《美丽心灵》主人公的原型、美国数学天才、诺贝尔奖得主约翰•纳什遭遇车祸去世,终年86岁。

    John Nash , a Nobel laureate and mathematical genius whose struggle with mental illness was documented in the Oscar-winning film A Beautiful Mind , was killed in a car accident on Saturday . He was 86 .

  20. 四年前,国际数学联盟曾选这位数学天才为菲尔兹奖的获得者,但是他并未露面。

    Four years ago , the maths genius failed to turn up to receive his prestigious Fields Medal from the International Mathematical Union for solving the problem .