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  • data object
  1. 一种自动抽取Web数据对象的方法

    An automatic method of Web data object extraction

  2. VisualBasic4的远程数据对象

    The remote data object of Visual Basic 4

  3. 在R中,基本的数据对象是向量。

    The basic data object in R is a vector .

  4. 原始的XML可以被转换为Java数据对象,以方便操作。

    Raw XML can be transformed into Java Data Objects for easy manipulation .

  5. 我们使用Person数据对象的例子来说明“类型”和“属性”这两个重要概念。

    Let 's use the example of a Person data object to illustrate the important concepts of Type and Property .

  6. 动态GIS数据对象模型探讨

    Research on TGIS Data Object Modeling

  7. 在Visualc++中用活动数据对象(ADO)操纵数据库

    Using Active Data Object in Visual C + + to Access Database

  8. 关联性规则学习(Associationrulelearning)搜寻数据对象之间的关系,以做出预言、定位产品,等等。

    Association rule learning searches for relationships between data objects to make predictions , position products , and so on .

  9. DataStudioAdministrator提供了查看和管理数据库中数据对象的特权的功能。

    Data Studio Administrator gives you the ability to view and manage privileges on data objects for your database .

  10. 在我们的样例应用程序中,数据对象将被系列化为XML文档,然后保存到数据库中。

    In our sample application , the data object will be serialized into XML document and then saved into the database .

  11. 然后分析子集的固有特性,计算每个数据对象的第k最近邻距离;

    Secondly the inherent features of sub-data sets are analyzed and the k-nearest neighbor distance of every point is computed .

  12. 下个月,我们将通过比较实体bean和Java数据对象(JavaDataObject)来继续研究J2EE数据持久性机制。

    Next month we 'll continue our exploration of J2EE data persistence mechanisms as we compare entity beans with Java Data Objects .

  13. 增量的(Incremental):增量垃圾收集器不需要遍历全部数据对象。

    Incremental : Incremental garbage collectors do not require a full run through all data objects .

  14. 在WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper中,您可以动态地定义和访问数据对象,并在运行时引用数据类型描述。

    In WebSphere Integration Developer , you dynamically define and access a data object and reference data-type descriptions at runtime .

  15. 本文将帮助您迅速了解C++中服务数据对象的基本应用程序编程接口(ApplicationProgrammingInterface,API)。

    Read this article to get a quick tour of the basic application programming interface ( API ) for Service Data Objects in C + + .

  16. 基于ActiveX数据对象的灌区用水申报软件设计

    Database Design for Water Order Information Based on ActiveX Data Objects

  17. 利用势能替换了MeanShift中每个数据对象的密度估计,并且每个数据对象的移动向着势能最低的方向进行。

    We have modified Mean Shift using potential energy for density estimation , where each point moves towards the direction of the potential energy minimum .

  18. import“VirtualSystems.h”:包括用于获取JSON数据对象的类。

    Import " VirtualSystems . h ": This includes the class to grab the JSON data object .

  19. 因为XML是层次化的,所以很容易以自然的、人可读的格式捕捉不同数据对象之间的关系。

    Since XML is hierarchical , it is easy to capture the relationships between the different data object in a natural , human readable format .

  20. 显然,通过将应用程序的数据对象存储为XML,关系模式大大简化了。

    It is obvious from the above statements that by storing an application 's data object as XML data , the relational schemas simplify to a greatly .

  21. 其基本思想是:通过对数据对象的模糊隶属度增加一个加权值,以及在算法中引入模糊聚类有效性函数对聚类数目c进行优选。

    The basic idea of the algorithm is modified subjection value by adding weighted value and the optimal choice for parameter of number of clusters c based on cluster validity function .

  22. 此外,只有当物理表数据对象或分区中没有压缩字典时,才能运行ADC。

    Additionally , ADC only occurs if no compression dictionary exists within the physical table data object or partition .

  23. SOD标准精化了一系列自我封装的数据对象,这些对象可以由服务构件控制并在服务调用的过程之中进行交换。

    The SDO standard redefines a notion of a self-encapsulated data object that can be exchanged in service calls and manipulated by service components .

  24. 您可以将业务对象解析为XML文档,并使用服务数据对象(SDO)API通过XML文档对其进行反序列化。

    You can parse business objects into a XML document and deserialize them from the XML document using Service Data Object ( SDO ) APIs .

  25. 从ILOGBRMS公开的WSDL生成服务数据对象。

    Generate the service data objects from the WSDL exposed by ILOG BRMS .

  26. ADO(ActiveX数据对象)是开发访问OLE数据库应用程序所使用的一种数据库访问组件,是一种可以访问各种数据类型的连接机制。

    ADO ( ActiveX Data Object ) is a component used to access OLE database in application system .

  27. 它将请求体转换成SCA数据对象并将请求数据传递到其他SCA应用程序组件。

    It transforms the request body into the SCA data object and passes the request data to other SCA application components .

  28. 数据对象是通用的,它们提供了DMS创建的结构化数据的公共视图。

    Data objects are generic and provide a common view of structured data built by a DMS .

  29. 如果应用程序运行正确,写到测试环境系统输出文件的消息包含数据对象的序列化XML内容,包括签出的附件。

    If the application works correctly , the message written to the test environment system output file contains the serialized XML contents of the data object , including the checked out attachment .

  30. 我们还可以直接引用子数据对象属性中的属性,例如第一个地址中的zip代码

    We can also directly reference properties within child data object properties , such as the ZIP code from the first address