
  • 网络Unit;data unit
  1. 在不同的章节中,我们将会看到数据单位如何通过协议在给定的网络堆栈层来接收、传输。

    In different chapters , we will see how data units are received and transmitted by the protocols that sit at a given layer in the network stack .

  2. 航道交通流分析中统计时间单位的选定当我们计算极差,四分点离差和平均绝对偏差时,答案的计量单位与数据单位量相同的。

    Measurement for Inland Waterway Traffic Analysis Earlier , when we calculated the range , the interquartile deviation , and average absolute deviation , the answers were expressed in the same units as the data itself .

  3. XML的基本数据单位是元素。

    XML 's basic unit of data is the element .

  4. sieboldiana复合体的数据单位(entities)在所有的形态学性状上均呈现出广泛的重叠区域。

    Sieboldiana complex exhibit widely overlapping ranges in all morphological attributes .

  5. 同时,接收或传输一个数据单位的行为可能会缩写成RX和TX。

    The action of receiving or transmitting a data unit may be referred to with the abbreviations RX and TX , respectively .

  6. 会计信息是核算国民经济最基础的数据单位。

    Accounting information is the basic data of accumulating national economy .

  7. 我国地区经济增长的随机性趋同研究&基于综列数据单位根检验

    Research on the Stochastic Convergence of China 's Regional Economic Growth

  8. 带结构突变的面板数据单位根伪检验研究

    Research on Unit Root Spurious Test for Panel Data with Structural Change

  9. 记录是作为一个用来处理的一组有关的数据单位。

    Record is a set of related data treated as a unit .

  10. 用于标识数据库中数据单位的名字。

    A name used to identify the data unit in a data base .

  11. 柱状图后的数据单位为百万,统计总人数接近20亿。

    The unit is million , total users of this statistics close to20 million .

  12. “帧”是一种数据单位,它在特定的网络中,在各主机之间传递。

    A frame is the unit of data that travels between hosts on a specific network .

  13. 在数据库中,字段被视为最小的数据单位。

    In a database , Field is the smallest unit of data that can be referred to .

  14. 构成一个数据单位的字位、字符或其它元素的一种组合(方法或表示式)。

    A combination of bits , characters , or other elements to form a unit of data .

  15. 能够访问数据单位(如文件、数据库)的程序。

    With respect to a unit of data ( file , data base ), a program that accesses it .

  16. 为了考察中国农村发展地区差距的变化趋势,我们采用面板数据单位根检验的不同方法对其收敛性进行了严格的计量检验。

    We test the convergence with unit root test of panel data to examine the trend of China rural development regional disparity .

  17. 在数据库中,可被访问的最小数据单位。将一个值的数据作为二进位数据显示。

    In a data base , the smallest unit of data that can be referred to . Displays a value 's data as binary data .

  18. 单位根检验的研究大体经历了从时间序列单位根检验到截面独立的(第一代)面板数据单位根检验再到截面相依(第二代)面板单位根检验的发展历程。

    Generally , The process of research on unit root test is from time series unit root test to the cross-section independency ( first generation ) panel data unit root test , and then to the cross-section dependency ( second generation ) panel unit root test .

  19. 配置文件中的每个参数都关联到Unit和PerUnit参数,它们控制数据的单位。

    Each parameter in a profile item has associated Unit and PerUnit parameters that control these .

  20. Chang(2002)基于非线性工具变量估计,提出了对截面相关综列数据进行单位根检验的SN检验,在综列数据生成过程不含飘移和时间趋势时具有良好的表现。

    The S_N unit roots test proposed by Chang ( 2002 ) for panels with cross-sectional dependency based on the nonlinear IV estimation performs better than the existing tests .

  21. 实验表明,本文提出的技术方案能够满足现在数据生产单位DWG地形数据入库的要求。

    The experimental results show that the technical plan proposed here can satisfy the requirements of the data manufacturers to input DWG terrain data into database .

  22. 在此基础上,本文通过构建模型实证分析了FDI对三大区域经济增长的影响,其中采用的实证分析方法包括时间序列数据的单位根检验、协整检验、格兰杰因果关系检验和面板数据模型分析。

    On this basis , this article establishes a model to analyze the FDI-growth effects among three regions . The empirical analysis methods include unit root test , cointegration test as well as Granger causality test of time series data and panel-data model analysis .

  23. 我们得出的数据的单位,将不会和最后的计算单位相吻合。

    Won 't dovetail with the units that come out of this calculation .

  24. 在时态数据库中,时间粒度是衡量时态数据的单位,通常用时态类型来表示时间粒度。

    In the temporal database , temporal granularity is the unit for measuring the temporal data .

  25. 应用财务数据计算单位贷款的成本,发现中小银行的信贷成本低于大型国家国有银行。

    It is fund that SMBs have lower credit cost than state bank when per credit cost is calculated via financial data .

  26. 然后,通过面板数据的单位根检验,发现通货膨胀率与产出缺口均是水平平稳的。

    After that , we find that both inflation rate and output gap are smooth level through the unit root test of panel data .

  27. 这种分析方法的特点是它没有规定具体函数形式,没有规定各输入项权重并且对数据的单位没有要求。

    This analysis method is characterized by its lack of a specific functional form , does not require the weight of each entry and not require the unit .

  28. 论文的第三章介绍了校园一卡通的关键数据库即基础数据库的设计和如何实现同各基础数据提供单位的数据交换。

    Chapter III mainly introduces the design of key database which is also called basic database and implement of data-exchange between basic database and the units provided by it .

  29. 当数据在单位时间内变化的速度越快,这种丢失量就会越多,给企业造成的损失就越大。

    And the amount of such loss will be much larger as the data changes faster in the per unit time , so the losses to enterprise will be greater .

  30. 通过研究同时发现,由于采用以县为一个独立数据统计单位,研究结果反映出的甘肃省区域经济空间差异性不能反映某一个县域内部的经济水平差异;

    Though the research , we also find the spatial distinction of the regional economy shown by the result of the study can 't reflect the distinctive economic levels within a county .