
  1. 我国土地退化类型与特点及防治对策

    Types and characteristics of land degradation and Countermeasures in China

  2. 西南地区山地不同土地退化类型特征及调控途径

    Study on Land Degradation Characteristics of Different Types in Mountain Areas in Southwest China

  3. 通过对全国产煤最多的山西省各类煤矿土地退化的现状和类型进行全面调查,认为不同作业方式是影响土地退化的主要原因。

    The present study illustrates , through comprehensive investigation on land degradation status in a coal mining sites located in the main coal production area Shanxi province .

  4. 据区域土地利用特点与退化类型及原因,提出了合理利用土地与防止土地退化的5条措施,以确保玛河流域土地永续利用与持续发展。

    According to the regional characteristics of the land use and the types and causes of land degradation , five measures are put forward for the rational land use and land degradation control so as to ensure the continuous land use and sustainable development in Manas River watershed .

  5. 土地退化是一个重要的环境问题,山西省土地退化具有类型多样、影响面广、危害大等特点。

    The land degeneration with various types , wide influencing areas and heavy harmfulness exists in Shanxi Province .