
  • 网络Atacama Desert
  1. 非洲的纳米比亚沙漠和智利的阿塔卡马沙漠都是沿海沙漠。

    The Namib Desert in Africa and the Atacama Desert in Chile are examples of coastal deserts .

  2. 在智利月球表面似的阿塔卡马沙漠中,一辆皮卡的车厢里有一头紧张的美洲驼。

    A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile 's Atacama Desert .

  3. 智力北部的阿塔卡马沙漠是世界上最干的沙漠。

    The Atacama in northern Chile is the driest desert on Earth .

  4. 在智利的阿塔卡马沙漠,一只兔鼠正在石头上小憩,它是南美栗鼠的近亲。

    Photograph by Joel Sartore A vizcacha , close relative of the chinchilla , rests on an outcropping in Chile 's Atacama Desert .

  5. 在每一个晴朗无云的夜晚,当太阳从智利的阿塔卡马沙漠落下时,东方天际的安第斯火山的顶峰笼罩着一片耀眼的红色,这种宝石红与石榴红调和而成的色彩几乎在不知不觉中加深,直到与夜黑融为一体。

    As the sun sets over the Atacama Desert in Chile each reliably cloudless night , dazzling ruby red and garnet hues paint the volcanic Andes Mountain peaks in the eastern skyline , deepening almost imperceptibly until they are indistinguishable from black .