
  1. DNA测试显示,还有第三只熊猫的性别也搞错了。2010年出生的三岁熊猫阿宝原来被认为是雄性,其实也是雌性。

    The DNA tests showed a third panda , 3-year-old Po also initially believed to be male , is female as well .

  2. n.业�阿宝是古董商,赚了不少钱。

    Paul has made a lot of money as an antique dealer .

  3. Monkey:Pol?阿宝?他的名字就是阿宝。

    Tailung : So that is his name , Pol .

  4. 在一次阿宝偷吃时,师傅发现了他的潜力。

    In a pao steal , the master found his potential .

  5. 我很高兴我们现在不是阿宝。-

    I 'm glad we 're not Po right now . -

  6. 阿宝要避免停在他们那里,因为他们都不怀好意!

    Avoid landing on them they are up to no good !

  7. 阿宝:好的耶!来吧!

    Pol : All right , yeah , let 's go !

  8. 阿宝:我看起来像干啥呢?阿宝;

    Pol : What does it look like I 'm doing ?

  9. 我很抱歉,但是…-阿宝,做些什么。

    My apologies , but ... - Po , do something .

  10. 阿宝:嘿!也许我可以从那个开始!

    Pol : Hey , maybe I can start with that .

  11. 阿宝:那招太牛了,再来一次吧。

    Pol : That was awesome . Let 's go again .

  12. 阿宝,我给你弄个了旅行囊。

    Oh , Po , I got you a travel pack .

  13. 阿宝,我们走,你要迟到了。

    Po , let 's go , you are late for work .

  14. 阿宝我也怪不好受的你没能如愿

    Po , l 'm sorry if things didn 't work out .

  15. 阿宝:好的,好的,别激动。

    Pol : OK , OK , take it easy .

  16. 阿宝:好极啦!

    Pol : Yeah , ha ha ha , excellent .

  17. 你真的认为阿宝能及时驾驭气?-

    Do you really think Po can master chi in time ? -

  18. 阿宝?你说得对,这比走路好。

    Po ? You 're right . That is better than walking .

  19. 噢,能见到你真是太好了,阿宝。

    Oh , it 's so good to see you , Po .

  20. 阿宝,加油,需要你集中精力!-

    Po , come on . We need you to focus ! -

  21. 阿宝,说实话,你对着沈时发生了什么?

    Po , the truth . You had Shen . What happened ?

  22. 阿宝,是你教会了我们要做真实的自己。

    Po , you taught us who we were meant to be .

  23. 阿宝:我是说,我跟霹雳五侠可不一样。

    Pol : I mean , I 'm not like the five .

  24. 阿宝:等等,什么?

    Pol : Wait , wait , wait , what ?

  25. 阿宝:你们真人比玩偶大多了。

    Pol : You 're so much bigger than your action figures .

  26. 鹅爸爸:阿宝,你在干啥呢?

    Dad : Pol , what are you doing ? !

  27. 你们在干什么,这些吃的是阿宝的。

    What are you doing there ? That food is for Po .

  28. 你在瞪眼大赛中胜过阿宝了没?!

    Did you beat Po in that staring contest ?

  29. 阿宝:早上好,大师。

    Pol : Ah , hi good morning Master .

  30. 阿宝:但是真正的武士永不放弃!

    Pol : But a real warrior never quits .