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  1. 不过,李毅中对中钢协予以了肯定,并表示钢铁企业应该支持中钢协。

    Nonetheless , Mr Li praised CISA and said steelmakers should support it .

  2. 李毅中发表评论之前,中国官方媒体对中钢协的指责之声正愈演愈烈。

    Mr Li 's remarks follow increasing criticism in the Chinese state-owned media of Cisa .

  3. 桑弧的儿子李毅中也参加了开幕式。

    Professor Li Yizhong , the son of Sang Hu , also attended the opening ceremony .

  4. 李毅中是在记者招待会上说这番话的。

    Li made the remarks at a press conference on the sidelines of the annual parliament session .

  5. 适应构建和谐社会的要求不断加强和改进安全监管监察工作&李毅中在总局党组学习培训班和安全生产工作座谈会上的讲话

    Suiting the Demand of Building a Harmonious Society , Constantly Intensifying and Improving Safety Supervision and Inspection Work

  6. 李毅中鼓励谷歌继续在华经营:“(谷歌)占了中国搜索市场的30%多。”

    Mr Li encouraged Google to continue its operations in the country . " [ Google ] has taken 30 per cent of the Chinese search market .

  7. 责任重于泰山&中国石化集团公司李毅中总经理1999年1月21日在集团公司安全工作会议上的讲话辑要

    Responsibility Is Heavier than Mount Tai & Summary of general manager Li Yuzhong 's speech in the safety working confer-ence of SINOPEC Group Company on Jan. 1,1999

  8. 谈到国内当前的经济形势,李毅中还在会上强调说,尽管国际上给人民币升值不断施加压力,中国还是应该保持人民币汇率的稳定。

    Li also stressed that China should keep the yuan stable in a speech addressing the current domestic economic situation during the meeting , as international pressure on China to strengthen the yuan was intensified .