
chén nián
  • aged;of many years' standing
陈年 [chén nián]
  • [aged] 积存多年的

  • 陈年八辈子的老话

  • 陈年旧例

陈年[chén nián]
  1. 咱们且忘掉更该责怪谁吧——那都是陈年旧账了。

    Let 's forget about who was more to blame ─ it 's all past history .

  2. 在你面前是一条踩出来的陈年小道。

    Before you is a well-worn path of beaten earth .

  3. 这种1985年酿制的陈年佳酿味道更醇厚,带有一种淡淡的焦糖甜味。

    The 1985 vintage has a stronger bouquet and slight caramelly flavour .

  4. 现在它丝毫不让我感到烦恼。它只不过是陈年老账。

    It does not bother me now at all . It is all ancient history .

  5. 陈年抽屉放出樟脑气味。

    The old chest exuded a smell of camphor .

  6. 陈年抽屉放出樟脑气味

    The old drawer exuded a smell of camphor .

  7. 他的衣服,散发着陈年的汗臭

    His clothe sour with years of sweat

  8. 和亲近的朋友吵架时要就事论事,不要扯出那些陈年旧事。

    When you quarrel with a close friend , talk about the main dish , don 't quibble over the appetizers settle scores with the past

  9. H2O2浸种对提高陈年种子发芽率的研究

    A Study on the Increase in Germination Percentage of Old Seeds Soaked in H_2O_2 Solution

  10. 适当浓度的H2O2液浸种陈年番茄、萝卜种子,能显著提高发芽率。

    The germination percentage of Old tomato seeds and old radish seeds increases obviously after these seeds are soaked in H2O2 solution of appropriate concentration .

  11. 他也不愿详述自己自1983年以来担任香奈儿(Chanel)首席设计师32年的陈年往事。

    Neither will he dwell on his 32-year stewardship ofChanel , where he has been the chief designer since 1983 .

  12. Vintage这个词是从葡萄酒酿酒的术语中借用过来的(原本意思是“陈年的”),在这里是对“旧”衣服的一个委婉的说法,更具古典气质。

    The word vintage is copied from its use in wine terminology , as a more elegant-seeming euphemism for " old " clothes .

  13. 最好的是陈年玛尔维萨,或者我最喜欢的纽约玛尔维萨特藏(NewYorkMalmseySpecialReserve),后者是稀有葡萄酒公司(RareWineCompany)按照18至19世纪的马德拉风格酿造的。

    Best of all would be vintage malmsey , or one of my favorites , New York Malmsey Special Reserve , a bottling from the Rare Wine Company made in the style of Madeiras from the 18th and 19th centuries .

  14. 不可避免的是,你可能会从十几岁的老日记里找到一些陈年旧事,日记里详细记载着古代流行音乐歌星、不可思议的walkman随身听和《太空侵略者》(spaceinvaders)游戏。

    Inevitably , perhaps , there is something of a retro revival for old teenage diaries , with their details about ancient pop stars , miraculous Walkman personal stereos , and space invaders .

  15. Chinook啤酒花让这款啤酒如同散发松树和柑橘芳香的黏稠树脂,包裹着饮酒者的喉咙。陈年后,这头“怪兽”会变得温柔起来。

    Viscous with Chinook hops ' throat-coating pine and citrus resin , this monster sweetens into old age .

  16. 里面藏着一个蒸汽朋克风格的幻想世界,调酒师们会用陈年朗姆、柑橘和苦酒调出一杯杯的DesdeCubaConAmor(120比索),它们真的会冒烟。

    Inside is a steampunk fantasyland , with bartenders who mix drinks like the Desde Cuba Con Amor ( 120 pesos ) , a combination of aged rum , citrus and bitters that is literally smoking .

  17. 鲜甜的扇贝、朴实的松露和帕马森芝士的咸香相互呼应,配合一款名为L’ExpressionMêmeduRavissementUltime的库克陈年香槟(GrandeCuvée),逐一品味。

    echoes of the sweet scallops , earthy truffles and Parmesan 's salty umami richness could all be tasted in the paired wine , a Grande Cuv é e called " L'Expression M ê me du Ravissement Ultime . "

  18. 话虽如此,假如我坐上了头等舱,空乘在飞机起飞后递给我一杯沁凉的陈年Krug起泡酒,我还是会接受的。

    Having said that , if I were traveling first class and were handed a cool glass of effervescent vintage Krug after takeoff , I 'd take it .

  19. 这款新品名为M,只卖1750瓶,由精选自陈年木桶的威士忌制成,装在1.5升的莱丽(Lalique)水晶瓶里,每瓶定价4500美元。

    Called M and available in just 1,750 bottles , the line is made of whisky selected from aged casks and bottled in 1.5-liter Lalique crystal decanters . Each is priced at $ 4,500 .

  20. 这款新品名为“M”,只卖1750瓶,由精选自陈年木桶的威士忌制成,装在1.5升的莱丽(Lalique)水晶瓶里,每瓶定价4500美元。

    Called M and available in just 1750 bottles , the line is made of whisky selected from aged casks and bottled in 1.5-liter Lalique crystal decanters . Each is priced at $ 4500 .

  21. 2006年,阿莫鲁索刚刚从摄影学校退学,她以自己对陈年衣服的热爱创办了一家小公司,在前男友旧金山公寓的卧室里用一台Mac笔记本电脑运营。她倒卖eBay上淘到的重要物件,并通过NastyGal的Myspace页面推广。

    In 2006 , Amoruso had just dropped out of photography school . She turned her passion for vintage clothes into a small business , run from her Mac laptop in her bedroom of her ex-boyfriend 's San Francisco apartment , reselling key finds on eBay and promoting them via Nasty Gal 's Myspace page .

  22. 你怎么会提起这样的陈年旧事?

    Why would you dig up an ugly story like that ?

  23. 此类食品包括陈年奶酪、加工肉制品和酱油等。

    This includes aged cheeses , processed meats and soy sauce .

  24. 陈年绍兴黄酒的成分分析与品质鉴定

    The Components Analysis and Quality Identification of Aged Shaoxing Rice Wine

  25. 激素对水稻陈年种子活力复苏的影响

    Effect of the Hormone on the Vitality Recovery in Aged Rice Seed

  26. 她正嘟哝着抱怨她那走味的陈年食糖。

    She was mumbling away about her rotten old sugar .

  27. 我家有一坛陈年老窖,那是我祖父留下的。

    I have an aged wine left by my grandpa .

  28. 在他的酒类收藏中有一些名贵的陈年葡萄酒。

    He has some rare old vintages in his collection of wine .

  29. 婚礼真是让人捉摸不透婚礼会翻起很多陈年往事

    Weddings are tricky . They churn up a lot of stuff .

  30. 但是,在这个质朴的野人的眼中,那些陈年老套已是用不上了。

    but in this simple savage those old rules would not apply .