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  1. 任举两例:有一次微软的Edge浏览器错误地把GoogleMail识别为恶意网站,整整一晚上不给我用——不过第二天早上我成功登入了。

    To name just two examples : In one incident , Microsoft 's Edge browser blocked me for an entire night from using Google Mail , after mistakenly identifying it as a malicious website - though the next morning I was able to log in .

  2. 任举两个内阁的部长职位。

    Name two Cabinet-level positions .

  3. 阐述了领导者的人才观念与人才培育的重要关系,以及一个思想开拓、精神进取、任贤举能的领导、领导班子应具备的人才观念。

    It is discussed that there is an important relation between sense of talents and cultivation of talents by leadership , and that sense of talents should be possessed by an open-minded , aggressive , talent-appointed leader and a leading group .