
  • 网络Haggis
  1. 羊杂肠是从苏格兰运来的,先生。

    The haggis is fresh from scotland , sir .

  2. 羊杂的原料是羊身上最不好的地方—内脏。但它的味道会让你忘记这个成见。

    Haggis is made from the less popular parts of a sheep - that 's true , but the taste makes you forget your preconceptions .

  3. 赶集时喝碗羊杂割汤也算是改善了一回口味。

    Going to the market and drinking a bowl of sheep 's haslet soup also is an enjoyment .

  4. 像羊杂汤、爆炒羊头肉、烤羊排、羊肉串等等,都是蒙古民间食谱中珍品之作。

    Yangza like soup , Bao Chao sheep 's head meat , lamb row , the string of mutton and so on are all non-diet in Mongolia for the treasures .