
  • 网络yangcheng evening news
  1. 近年来羊城晚报版面风格研究

    A Study on Page Style of Yangcheng Evening News in Recent Years

  2. 《新快报》总部位于广州,隶属于羊城晚报报业集团。

    The Guangzhou-based Xin Kuai Bao is affiliated to the Yangcheng Evening News Group .

  3. 羊城晚报:你觉得这件事会对你造成影响吗?

    Reporter : Do you feel this incident will affect you ?

  4. 羊城晚报:你在博客上称自己被冤枉,还会不会进一步采取法律行动?

    Reporter : You said in your blog that you were framed , will you take legal action ?

  5. 《羊城晚报》曾引用过麦当劳一位北京雇员的话,她说中国人的生活水平提高了。

    Yangcheng Evening News quotes one McDonald 's staff member in Beijing saying that Chinese living standards have risen .

  6. 最后一章总结了《羊城晚报》标题的个性化对党报、市场类报纸标题制作的启示。

    Through this kind of research , we got inspiration on headline creation of the party newspaper and market newspaper .

  7. 今天下午我从《羊城晚报》上看到一条消息,一个小男孩在送往医院的路上死了。

    This afternoon I read in Yangcheng Evening New that a little boy had died on the way to the hospital .

  8. 你好,我打电话来是想应聘你们昨天在“羊城晚报”上登广告招聘的英语话务员一职。

    Hello , I 'm calling in answer to your advertisement in yesterday 's " yangcheng evening news " for an English telephone operator .

  9. 从12月16日《羊城晚报》广告栏得知贵公司招聘会计一名,本人现在申请该职位。

    With reference to your advertisement in " Yangcheng Evening News " of December 16 for an accountant , I offer myself for the post .

  10. 在广东省政府的压力下,这起案件陷入一片沉默,而《羊城晚报》的报道以罕见的勇气打破了这片沉默。

    The Yangcheng Evening News report was a rare and brave break in a blanket of silence thrown over the case by the Guangdong government .

  11. 《经济日报》、《中国工业报》、《中国质量报》、《南方日报》、《羊城晚报》等报道也给予高度评价。

    It has also been highly assessed by Economic Daily , China Industry News , China Quality News , Nanfang Daily , Yeng Cheng Evening News and so on .

  12. 根据羊城晚报上周日报道,现在越来越多的中国留学生在留学之后选择回国,很大程度上是因为很难找到合适的伴侣。

    More Chinese students are returning home after studying overseas , largely because of the difficulty in finding a suitable partner , the Yangcheng Evening News reported on Sunday .

  13. 先运用内容分析法,研究了2008年7月至2009年6月《新民晚报》和《羊城晚报》两份报纸媒体上刊载的1061则房地产广告。

    It makes a research of 1061 real estate advertisements pressed on Xinmin Evening NEWS and Yangcheng Evening NEWS from July in 2008 to June in 2009 with content analysis .

  14. 据《羊城晚报》报道,南方医科大学开始逐步淘汰男女混合宿舍政策,尽管在接受调查的学生中有八成以上反对。

    Southern Medical University ( SMU ) has begun phasing out its mixed-gender dorm policy despite opposition from more than 80 percent of surveyed students , Yangcheng Evening News reports .

  15. 陈升宽接受《羊城晚报》采访时表示:“不管多难,不管我要遭受多少痛苦,我绝不会放弃寻找儿子。”

    Chen told Yangcheng Evening News : " No matter how hard or how much I have to suffer , I will never give up looking for my son . "

  16. 据《羊城晚报》报道,天文爱好者可以在6月6日上午一饱眼福,观测到本世纪最后一次金星凌日。

    Astronomy enthusiasts across China will be blessed to see on a spectacular transit of Venus on the morning of June 6 , the last such astronomical phenomenon in the century , Yangcheng Evening News reported .

  17. 嗯,我想找一份可以运用英语的工作,然后我看到你们在《羊城晚报》上招聘翻译的广告。

    Well , I 've cherished a desire to get a job where I can use my English , and then I saw your organization 's advertisement in " Yangcheng Evening News " for an interpreter .

  18. 羊城晚报自创刊以来,版面艺术一直随社会发展而变化、进步,版面风格经历了从传统到现代的转变。

    Since Yangcheng Evening News started publication , the art of its page has always been changed and gone ahead with social developments , the page style of which has experienced a transformation from tradition to modernization .

  19. 据羊城晚报报道,广州体育学院足球学院将重点培养足球教练,该校实行本科招生,学制4年,今年9月将招入首批学生100-150人。

    The soccer academy of Guangzhou Sport University will focus on training school coaches through the four-year bachelor degree and the first batch of 100 to 150 students will be admitted this September , reported Yangcheng Evening News .

  20. 而同属一个集团,其它变量相对稳定的《新快报》和《羊城晚报》更能够凸现文本本身的价值,成为有效的分析对象。

    ' New Express ' and ' Yangcheng Evening News ' which belong to the same group while have other variables relatively stable can also become an effective objective for text analysis , owing to its conspicuous manifestation of the value of text itself .