
  1. 可拓学是新的学科,它是由蔡文先生建立和发展起来的崭新理论。

    Extension theory is a newly developed technology that has been presented by professor Cai Wen .

  2. 你帮蔡文成功的任何办法是蔡文翻译有限公司的永远不得转让的产业,不可收回

    Any way in which you help Cai Wen succeed becomes the sole property of Cai Wen Translations , Ltd. , in perpetuity , no take-backs

  3. 我们可以根据蔡文提出的物元分析法,借助变换,把不相容问题变为相容问题,求得问题的解决。本文提出通过空间变换解决不相容问题的可能性和基本方法。

    Notwithstanding that incompatible problems can be made compatible with the help of Cai-Wen 's Matter element analysis , the author of this paper endeavors to propose another approach for conversion of incompatible problems to compatible ones via space transformations .