
  1. 蔡仲德在音乐美学研究中的重要成果,主要涉及两大部分,首要的第一大部分是中国古代音乐美学的研究。

    The first part is Ancient Chinese Music Aesthetics research .

  2. 笔者主要讨论了蔡仲德对史料的收集与定性、对史料的辨伪及注译中的特点。

    Author mainly investigated the features in his collecting , nature determining , distinguishing and translating of historical data .

  3. 蔡仲德先生作为冯友兰的女婿,以其特有的优越条件在冯学研究方面做出了贡献。

    As Feng Youlan s son in law , Cai Zhongde with its superior condition in study of Feng Youlan philosophical thought aspect have made outstanding contribution .