
rèn wu
  • task;mission;assignment;responsibility;job;duties;undertaking;charge;labour;proposition
任务 [rèn wù]
  • (1) [assignment]∶交派的工作

  • 任务观点

  • (2) [task;mission]∶担负的责任

  • 年轻人在这个时代中的任务

任务[rèn wu]
  1. 他把这项任务看作事业发展的途径。

    He saw the assignment as a way to forward his career .

  2. 她在希腊为一家星期日报执行一项任务。

    She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers .

  3. 任务太重,把我们都吓倒了。

    We were overwhelmed by the sheer immensity of the task .

  4. 她觉得难以完成给自己定下的任务。

    She felt unequal to the task she had set herself .

  5. 我们的首项任务是架设通信系统。

    Our first task is to set up a communications system .

  6. 她的任务就是生育王位继承人。

    Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne .

  7. 这些任务必须按一定次序去执行。

    The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence .

  8. 我们的首项任务是架设通信系统。

    Our first task will be to set up a communications system .

  9. 我们别无选择,只有取消这项任务。

    We had no option but to abort the mission .

  10. 我们需要明确今后的任务。

    We need to define the task ahead very clearly .

  11. 这系统先把任务排列再进行处理。

    The system queues the jobs before they are processed .

  12. 这个系统要完成它的任务还不够完善。

    The system is inadequate for the tasks it has to perform .

  13. 我在要你首先完成的任务旁边标上了星号。

    I 've asterisked the tasks I want you to do first .

  14. 侦探现在面临辨认尸体这项任务。

    Detectives are now faced with the task of identifying the body .

  15. 卫戍部队有半数在执行守备任务。

    Half the garrison is / are on duty .

  16. 当时我正执行罢工的纠察任务。

    I was on picket duty at the time .

  17. 我们意识到这个任务并非轻而易举。

    We recognized that the task was not straightforward .

  18. 她给自己安排了一项艰巨任务。

    She 's set a difficult task for herself .

  19. 她每天得做20个人的饭,这是一项可怕的任务。

    She has the daunting task of cooking for 20 people every day .

  20. 我们面临的任务令人胆怯。

    The task before us is a daunting one .

  21. 交付他的任务不包括向新闻界发言。

    It wasn 't part of his brief to speak to the press .

  22. 我不想使这项任务不必要地复杂化。

    I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary .

  23. 凯特如实地谈了面临的任务。

    Kate spoke realistically about the task ahead .

  24. 整个周末他们拼命工作,以求按时完成这项任务。

    They worked furiously all weekend , trying to get it finished on time .

  25. 这支空军中队执行一项侦察任务。

    The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission .

  26. 我给自己定了一项艰巨任务。

    I had set myself a tough assignment .

  27. 他把这任务托付给了他的侄儿。

    He entrusted the task to his nephew .

  28. 他把这任务托付给了他的侄儿。

    He entrusted his nephew with the task .

  29. 她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。

    She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead .

  30. 现在他的任务十分艰巨,有机会证明自己的能力。

    He now has the chance to prove himself in a formidably difficult role .