
  • 网络SIMON;Simon Yam;PTU;Simon Yam Tat-Wah
  1. 除了(以不同角色)再度出演的任达华和吴京,《杀破狼2》其实与2005年的《杀破狼》没有什么关系。

    Aside from Simon Yam and Wu Jing returning to the series as actors ( but different characters ), SPL II actually has little to do with its 2005 prequel .

  2. 阿乐(任达华)击败大D(梁家辉)成为和联胜话事人两年后,新一轮选举又将开始。

    It 's been two years since Lok ( Simon Yam ) bested Big D ( Tony Leung Ka-Fai ) for the chairperson seat of the Wo Sing triad , and it 's election time again .

  3. 该片还获得了其他三个奖项:扮演一家之主的任达华获得最佳男主角奖,饰演十几岁儿子的李治廷获最佳新演员奖,该片还获得了最佳原创电影歌曲奖。

    The film won three other awards : best actor for Simon Yam for his role as the family 's patriarch ; best newcomer for Aarif Lee as the teenage son ; and best original film song .

  4. 除了(以不同角色)再度出演的任达华和吴京,《杀破狼2》其实与2005年的《杀破狼》没有什么关系。它们之间最大的共同点也许就是港式的武打片风格。

    Aside from Simon Yam and Wu Jing returning to the series as actors ( but different characters ) , " SPL II " actually has little to do with its 2005 " prequel . " What 's the biggest thing they share in common ? They are both fantastic Hong Kong-style action flicks .