
  • G.E.M;Gloria Tang;GEM Tang
  1. 正如BBC所言,邓紫棋“身为最卖座的女歌手,用她的影响力来支持慈善事业以及致力于音乐、教育和贫困工作的组织。”

    As the BBC put it , G.E.M. is " a top-selling female musician who used her influence to support charities and organizations dedicated to music , education and poverty . "

  2. 11月19日,27岁的邓紫棋成为了唯一一位入选今年BBC全球百位最具影响力、最具感染力女性的中国歌手。

    And on Nov 19 , the 27-year-old was the only Chinese singer included in this year 's BBC 100 Women list of inspiring and influential women from around the world .

  3. 自身的经历或许是邓紫棋想要帮助他人追梦的原因。

    It 's probably due to her own experience that G.E.M. wants to help people realize their dreams .

  4. 在香港被称为“巨肺小天后”的邓紫棋以充满力量的歌声而闻名。

    Dubbed " the young diva with the giant lungs " in Hong Kong , G.E.M. is known for her powerful voice .

  5. G.E.M是香港流行歌手邓紫棋更广为人知的艺名,在过去的两个月间,她好运连连。

    Over the last two months many wonderful things have happened to Hong Kong pop singer Gloria Tang Tsz-kei , better known by her stage name .

  6. 今年10月,受其强有力的歌声所启发,已故“漫威之父”斯坦·李以邓紫棋为原型创造了一位女性超级英雄。

    In October , inspired by her powerful voice , the late " father of Marvel Comics " Stan Lee created a female superhero based on her .

  7. 比如,2015年,邓紫棋发起了“童年的节奏”公益活动,为乡村儿童筹建音乐教室、儿童游乐场等。

    For instance , in 2015 , G.E.M. launched the " rhythm of childhood " public benefit campaign to raise money for building music classrooms and playgrounds for rural children .

  8. 今年2月翎还和真人明星邓紫棋、刘浩存和刘雨昕一起登上了以90后为目标读者群的《服饰与美容》时尚杂志的封面。

    This February she graced the cover of Vogue Me , a fashion magazine targeting China 's " post - '90s " generation , " alongside real-life celebrities G.E.M. , Liu Haocun and Liu Yuxin .