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  1. “我只需打个电话,说我要去那些地方,他们会说‘祝你玩得开心’,”伯明翰(Birmingham)DunganNequette公司的邓根说,“这是一项极大的特惠权利。”

    I just call and say I 'm going down there , and they say ' Have fun ' , ' says Mr. Dungan , of Birmingham firm Dungan Nequette . ' It 's a great perk . '

  2. 据邓所说,采取“一国两制”适合中国国情,并非权宜之计。

    According to deng , the " one country two system " has been adopted to suit china 's position and is not an expedient measure .

  3. 邓金说,在此之后,员工们在哪里工作、甚至是什么时候工作都无关紧要,因为他们全都按照绩效来评判工作。

    After that , it doesn 't matter where or even when they work , because ' we are all judged by results , ' Mr. Dunkin says .

  4. 邓:说市场经济只存在于资本主义社会,只有资本主义的市场经济,这肯定是不正确的。为资本主义服务,就是资本主义的。

    Deng : It is wrong to maintain that a market economy exists only in capitalist society and that there is only " capitalist " market economy . if they serve capitalism they are capitalist .

  5. 家住伯明翰的建筑师邓根说,当他到访佛罗里达州那些他设计的所有宅第时,他也会对这些房屋进行检查,进行一些调整,然后把他吸取到的经验融入到未来的设计中。

    Mr. Dungan , the Birmingham-based architect , says when he visits all those homes in Florida that he 's designed , he also checks up on them and makes tweaks , and then incorporates what he learns in future designs .

  6. 邓医生说,每年的春节,五一、国庆长假和每学年的下半学期是堕胎的高峰期。他说,学校和家庭的性教育严重不足,现在的年轻人发生第一次性行为的年龄提前了很多。

    The number of abortions peaks during the Spring Festival , May Day or National Day holidays and in the final term of the academic year , Deng said , adding that sex education at school and in the family is wholly inadequate with young people nowadays having their first sexual experiences at a much earlier age .

  7. 邓普顿曾说:人们总问我哪儿的(投资)前景好,其实这是个错误的问题。

    ' People are always asking me where the [ investing ] outlook is good , but that 's the wrong question , ' Templeton once said .

  8. 邓:我刚才说了,如果苏联能够帮助越南从柬埔寨撤军,这就消除了中苏关系的主要障碍。

    Deng : As I have said , if the Soviet Union can contribute to the withdrawal of Vietnamese troops from Kampuchea , that will remove the main obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations .