
  • 网络task requirements;task demand
  1. 这些约束主要包括地形环境、飞行器性能、威胁模型和任务要求等。

    These constraints include terrain , aircraft performance , the threat model and the task requirements .

  2. 由此看出,任务要求和动机一定程度上影响附带词汇习得的效果。

    From it , the author concludes that task requirements and motivation may affect the incidental vocabulary acquisition .

  3. 此任务要求您指定至少一个IP地址,供连续复制主机名使用。

    At least one IP address must be specified to configure the continuous replication host name .

  4. 然而,如果特殊编程任务要求文本和二进制数据交换,那么XML是一个可靠的选择。

    However , if a particular programming task requires the interchange of both text and binary data , XML can be a solid choice .

  5. 在轨运行结果表明,C星电源分系统各部件状态良好,能满足任务要求。

    The on-orbit operation illustrated that the major parts of the power subsystem for C satellite were operated in good condition , which could satisfy the mission requirement .

  6. PC仿真和系统实验表明,整个系统很好的完成了任务要求,取得了好的结果。

    The PC simulation and whole system experiments show that all the design meets the system requirements and the good results are produced .

  7. 有些管理任务要求重启LotusQuickr服务器。

    Some of the administration tasks require that you restart the Lotus Quickr server .

  8. 如果一个任务要求你去寻找一种品质为X的材料,那么只要是相同类型的,并且等于或高于要求品质的都可以。

    If a quest requires you to find a material of quality X , any material of the same type and of the same or higher quality will do .

  9. 最后对DSP子系统进行单元测试和系统测试,结果表明子系统中的子模块和整个子系统都达到了任务要求的功能。

    Interleaver algorithm CTC is discussed . Finally , DSP sub-system unit and system are tested ; results showed that the sub-subsystem module and the entire sub-system tasks have reached the required functionality .

  10. 根据UAV飞行控制系统的功能任务要求,提出了一种以ARM为控制核心、以CPLD为辅助控制器件的飞行控制方案。

    According to the task requirement of flight control system for Unmanned Air Vehicles ( UAV ), a flight control scheme was proposed taking ARM processor as the core and CPLD as an assistant controller .

  11. 在大范围真实地形环境中规划出满足任务要求、导航、安全性等约束的较优航路,对提高无人机(UAV)的武器系统性能有重要意义。

    To get the optimal flight routes which satisfy constraints such as mission request , navigation and security in large scope and real terrain important to enhance the unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ) 's weapon system efficiency .

  12. 开发系统的硬件环境主要是针对ECU的不同开发阶段的不同任务要求进行设计。具体包括:电气检测系统、ECU开发和功能检测平台、自动检测系统和ECU检测-整车设定系统。

    The hardware development system is designed for to need demand from ECU developing in different status , including hardware test system , ECU-developing and function-test system , autotest system and ECU testing-vehicle setting system .

  13. 根据投放任务要求设计缩比可重复使用空间飞行器(RLV)投放轨迹,并建立飞行动力学基本分析框架。

    In this paper , flight trajectories were designed for a small-scale model of a reusable launch vehicle ( RLV ) according to the dropping missions .

  14. 在目标探测和跟踪应用中要求迅速扫描和转动光束以保持视线(LOS)稳定,这些任务要求装置具有精密扫描和高水平干扰抑制能力。

    Applications involving target detection and tracking require rapid scanning and slewing to maintain the line of sight ( LOS ) . These mission requirements define the performance of a mechanism that offers precise pointing capability and a high level of disturbance rejection capability .

  15. 经过实验、调试,最终实现了任务要求。

    After commissioning , installation , and ultimately the mission requirements .

  16. 关于规范提高中药标准工作进展与任务要求

    The Development and Requirement of Improving The Standard of TCM

  17. 这一任务要求党的组织工作采取新的形式。

    This task required new forms of Party organization work .

  18. 另一个任务要求你工作量提高五倍

    another task is showing you 're working five times ,

  19. 所得到的动态仿真结果满足设计任务要求。

    The result of dynamic simulation meet the designing demands .

  20. 这个任务要求用户选择一个要导入的部署。

    This task requires that the user select a deployment to import .

  21. 专家和新手在正确性上的差异与任务要求有关;

    The differences on correctness relate to the task contents .

  22. 树立适应新形势新任务要求的科学人才观

    The New View on Talents to Meet the New Situation and Task

  23. 仿真结果满足任务要求。

    The results of simulation are fit to task .

  24. 这项任务要求专心对待。

    The task requires a certain amount of application .

  25. 任务要求也明显影响飞机的结构尺寸。

    Mission requirements also substantially effects the aircraft size .

  26. 由结果可见,建立的气动布局可满足总体方案设想中飞行任务要求。

    The results show that the aerodynamic layout can meet the aerodynamic requirements .

  27. 许多空间飞行任务要求航天器姿态跟踪控制。

    The attitude tracking control of spacecraft is dem and ed in many missions .

  28. 指定自动根据规则处理所有来自用户的新任务要求。

    Specifies that the rule will automatically process all new task requests from users .

  29. 老国王便指定了三项任务要求他们完成,每一项都难于登天。

    The old king assigned three tasks to be accomplished , each next to impossible .

  30. 其次,研究了面向不同任务要求、基于系统运行状态的维修策略求解方法。

    Then the method working out the policy based on mission and state is studied .