
Lǐ Bái
  • Li Bai; li po, most widely celebrated poet of China
李白 [lǐ bái]
  • [Li Bai] (701-762) 中国唐朝诗人。字太白,号青莲居士。绵州昌隆人(今四川江油)。才华横溢。诗歌今存900首。

  1. 李白是唐代一位才气横溢的诗人。

    Li Bai was a Tang poet of superb talent .

  2. 夫天地者,万物之逆旅。(李白《春夜宴》)

    Heaven and earth are an inn for all things of creation .

  3. 平林漠漠烟如织。(李白《菩萨蛮》)

    Silent planes of woods woven with mist .

  4. 吾爱孟夫子,风流天下闻。(李白《赠孟浩然》)

    I love the master , meng haoran , | a free spirit known the whole world through .

  5. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。(李白《静夜思》)

    Raising my head , I look at the bright moon ; | bending my head , I think of home .

  6. 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。(李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》)

    Lonely sail , distant shadow ,| vanish in blue emptiness ;| all I see is the great river | flowing to the far horizon .

  7. 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。(李白《送孟浩然之广陵》)

    You have left me behind , old friend , at the Yellow Crane terrace , | on your way to visit Yangzhou in the misty month of flowers .

  8. B:我选了李白的,他是我最喜欢的诗人。

    B : I chose Li Bai 's. He is my favourite poet .

  9. 李白听了老婆婆的话,心里忽然明白了。

    Hearing the old woman 's words , Li Bai was enlightened .

  10. 从此,李白刻苦读书,进步很快。

    Since then , Li Bai studied hard and made rapid progress .

  11. 李白是中国唐朝的一位伟大诗人。

    Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty of China .

  12. 李白和杜甫是以作品简洁自然而著称的诗人。

    Li Bai and Du Fu are poets who are renowned1 for their simple and natural writing style .

  13. 这时候,李白更觉得奇怪了,又问:“这么粗的铁棒,您怎么能磨成针呢?”

    At this moment , Li Bai felt more curious and asked again : " How can you grind such a thick iron rod into a needle ? "

  14. 有一天,李白放学回家,路过一条小河边,看见一位老婆i磨一根很粗很粗的铁棒。

    One day , on his way home after school , he walked by a creek1 and saw an old woman grinding a very , very thick iron rod .

  15. 安旗教授的学术历程和李白研究

    The Academic Journey and Li Bai study of Professor An Qi

  16. 李白对自然、人世的认识与思考

    Li Bai 's Recognition and Thought on Nature and Human World

  17. 浅析王维、李白之诗对禅宗与道家“空灵之美”追求的差异

    The Difference in the Beauty of Emptiness between Zen and Taoism

  18. 李白之白的诗学解读

    A Poetic Interpretation of Bai in the Name of Li Bai

  19. 李白是他那个时代最为杰出的诗人。

    Li Bai was the most outstanding poet of his time .

  20. 大家说这首诗是出自李白之笔。

    This poem is ascribed to the pen of Li Bai .

  21. 从李白诗中引用的事典看其人生追求

    Reveal the ideal of LI-Bai through the allusion of his poetry

  22. 戏曲作品中的李白形象研究

    On the image of LI Bai in the traditional opera works

  23. 李白出生地历史谜团再探

    Thoughts on the historical mystery about the birthplace of Li Bai

  24. 李白形象演变的特征和原因&李白形象研究之二

    The Changing Image of Li Bai : Its Characteristics and Causes

  25. 李白诗歌英译研究

    A Study on the English Translation of Li Bai 's Poetry

  26. 今年我们会学一些李白的作品。

    This year we will read some of Li Bai 's writing .

  27. 李白五绝的衔接与连贯

    The Cohesion and Coherence of Li Bai 's Five-syllable Quatrain

  28. 李白诗中的西域文化考论

    On the Western - Region Cultures in the Poems by Li Bai

  29. 论李白对中国古典诗歌的继承与发展

    On Li Bai 's Succession and Development of the Chinese Classical Poetry

  30. 五岳为辞锋四凕作胸臆&谈李白写景诗的抒情特色

    The Feature of Lyric in Li Bai 's Scenical Poems