
  1. 李东阳和楚地三杰

    Historical Figure Li Dongyang and Three Heroes in Chou Land

  2. 李东阳复古文学思想探析

    Research on LI Dongyang 's Fugu Literature Thought

  3. 李东阳诗学的这四个方面并不是孤立的,而是有着密切关系的。

    Li Dongyang poetics of this four aspects are not isolated , but closely related .

  4. 李东阳的文学理论对前七子有积极影响,却与他们有很大不同。

    His literal theories had positive influence on the former seven poets , yet they had much difference .

  5. 李东阳格调说的核心是对调的重视,也即以声论诗说。

    The core of the literary style is the great importance of " tone ", that sound on the poem .

  6. 因此,李东阳后期无论在心态上还是在文学上都具有极大的特殊性。

    So , in the later stage , Li Dongyang , either mentally or literarily , has a great particularity .

  7. 正确把握李东阳仕宦意识之变化,有助于对其做出实事求是的评价。

    Being aware of the changes of Li Dong-yang 's consciousness will be beneficial to our practical and realistic evaluation to him .

  8. 论明李东阳的格调论和七子之才

    On the " stylistic mode " idea suggested by Li Dongyang of the Ming dynasty and the " talent " of the seven talents

  9. 人们对李东阳的研究主要侧重其诗歌理论及其散文,很少关注其诗歌的内容,尤其是缺乏对其《竹枝歌》的重视。

    People attach importance to Li dong-yang 's poetry and prose , but hardly value the content of his poetry , especially pay little attention to his Zhuzhi songs .

  10. 李东阳是明代中期著名的文学家,他以卓越的文学才华和至高的政治地位主盟文坛数十年。

    Li Dong Yang , a famous writer , lived in the middle of Ming dynasty , with standing literary talent and high political position , who led literary world for many years .

  11. 本文以他在正德年间的政治活动为依据、结合当时的历史实际、透过政治活动的现象对其本质作深入探讨以消除世人对他的误解,还李东阳一个公正的说法。

    According to his political achievements together with the historical reality of that times , a thorough discussion has laid the truth bare through the superficial political phenomena and returned him a fair evaluation .