
Lǐ Lìsān
  • Li Lisan; early labor leader of the CCP
  1. 我们还有一个很好的反面教员,就是李立三。

    We had another good teacher by negative example in Li li-san .

  2. 王明有政治纲领,李立三也有政治纲领。

    Wang Ming had his own political programme and so did Li Li-san .

  3. 七次大会的时候,我们说服了那些同志,选举了王明、李立三。

    At the Seventh Congress , we convinced many comrades and had Wang Ming and Li Li-san elected .

  4. 从陈独秀、瞿秋白、向忠发、李立三到王明,都没有形成过有能力的中央。

    Chen duxiu , Qu qiubai , Xiang zhongfa , Li Lisan and Wang Ming all failed to form a capable central leadership .

  5. 李立三同志50年代初所提出的工会工作方针,既反映了当时的工作实际,又富有成效,历史证明是完全正确的。

    The policy on trade union works advocated by Comrade Li Lisan in early1950s was practical and effective at that time and was proved correct by the history .

  6. 在党的六届五中全会以前,我们党反对了陈独秀的右倾机会主义和李立三同志的左倾机会主义。

    Before the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee , our Party fought Chen Tu-hsiu 's Right opportunism and Comrade Li Li-san 's " Left " opportunism .

  7. 毫无损失,并没有因为选举了王明、李立三,我们的革命就不胜利了,或者迟胜利几个月。

    No , none at all . We did not fail in our revolution , nor was our victory delayed by a few months just because we had elected Wang Ming and Li Li-san .

  8. 由于我们是被伤害的,所以就得原谅别人,这听起来似乎毫无公平可言。谅解李立三的人比较多一些,谅解王明的人就比较少。

    It seems totally unfair that we should have to forgive when we 're the ones who have been hurt . More comrades are ready to forgive Li Li-san , whereas there are fewer ready to forgive Wang Ming .