
gū jūn
  • an isolated force
孤军 [gū jūn]
  • [isolated force] 单独的没有援兵的军队

  • 孤军深入

  • 孤军奋战

孤军[gū jūn]
  1. 克莱斯勒已经处于孤军做战的境地。

    Chrysler already had an identity all its own .

  2. 我不打算编造一些有外援的假情报来增强你的信心,事实是我们必须孤军与敌人作战。

    I do not intend to bolster your hopes with false reports of outside assistance ; the truth is that we must face the enemy alone .

  3. 但是,在实践中也看到,改革的孤军深人,往往难以奏效,这些年来,出现了以包代管、以改代管,特别是企业粗放经营,在结构上出现了许多问题。

    But it seems to be difficult to succeed from the practice of reform , there have been " packet hosting ", " to change in the custody " these years , it appears a lot of problems on the structure especially these enterprise with extensive management .