
  • 网络lonely planet
  1. “孤独星球旅游中心”的网址是http://www.lonelyplanet.com。

    The URL for the Lonely Planet travel centre is http://www.lonelyplanet.com .

  2. 孤独星球这家公司,就此诞生。

    That is how Lonely Planet was born .

  3. 对澳大利亚人来说,最近这段时期令人很不安。据墨尔本一家报纸报导,最近受到打击的享有国际声誉的澳洲品牌是“孤独星球”(LonelyPlanet)。

    In what 's been a rough week for Aussies , the latest internationally recognized Australian brand to get hit is Lonely Planet , according to a report in a Melbourne newspaper .

  4. 要说明的是,《孤独星球》在其视频中给出的措施步骤与艾略特·H·弗兰克,时任麻省理工学院生物医学工程研究中心工程师,于2012年向《纽约时报》读者给出的意见是相左的。

    Note that steps given in the Lonely Planet video , embedded below , are in contradiction to the advice Eliot H. Frank , at the time a research engineer for the Center for Biomedical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , gave to a New York Times reader in 2012 .

  5. 为帮助驴友们发掘超值之旅,我们综合借鉴了《今日美国》、美国有线电视新闻网CNN以及《孤独星球》上的相关内容,为您盘点出一系列超值旅行目的地。

    To help travelers in search of value , we 've assembled , with the help of professionals from USA Today , CNN and Lonely Planet , a list of destinations that are worth going to while they 're still cheap .

  6. “孤独星球”:餐桌上不要讨论金钱或宗教信仰问题。

    Lonely Planet : never discuss money or religion over dinner .

  7. “孤独星球”还提供了实用的《饮酒小贴士》。

    Lonely Planet has offered helpful drinking tips .

  8. 近日,《孤独星球》的首份亚洲10大最佳旅行地榜单出炉。

    Lonely Planet released its first-ever list of Asia 's top 10 places to visit .

  9. “孤独星球”:吃面时“滋滋”出声是“完全”没有问题的。

    Lonely Planet : It is " perfectly " okay to slurp when you eat noodles .

  10. 全球最大的旅行指南数字出版商“孤独星球”最近汇集了各类餐桌礼仪,并列出了餐桌禁忌警示。

    The world 's largest travel and digital publisher , Lonely Planet has assembled etiquette tips .

  11. 近日,著名旅行指南出版商孤独星球出版社发布了“2014最佳旅游”排行榜。

    Recently , the well-known travel guide publisher Lonely Planet issued its Best in Travel 2014 selection .

  12. 但是有些事情我们知道,这个孤独星球有着奇怪的科学时间。

    But some things we do know , this lonely planet has strange science of keeping time .

  13. 流浪的小孩回来了,继续她的西游记,继续她孤独星球的流浪

    Wandering child just come back from the heaven , continues her wandering journey on this lonely planet

  14. 在《孤独星球》2016年“亚洲最佳景点”中,这座沿海小县城也名列其中。

    This coastal county is in Lonely Planet 's list of top destinations in Asia to visit in 2016 .

  15. 斯里兰卡也许“现在炎热异常”,但《孤独星球》给您推荐一次独特的旅程。

    Sri Lanka may be ' so hot right now ' , but Lonely Planet recommends a different experience .

  16. 有“背包客圣经”之称的《孤独星球》于近日向寻找地美价廉好去处的人们推荐了2017年性价比最高的旅游胜地清单。让我们一起来看看吧。

    Backpacker bible Lonely Planet has published its annual list of best value destinations in 2017 for people looking for wallet-friendly sightseeing experiences . Take a look .

  17. 孤独星球:用餐时手腕要放在桌子边缘,左手拿叉,右手拿刀。

    Lonely Planet : Your wrists should be placed on the edge of the table while eating , fork in left hand , knife in the right .

  18. 《孤独星球旅行指南:雅典篇》一书的作者维多利亚凯莉科坡露斯说,这个结果并不令人感到意外,因为作为希腊首都,雅典一直都是一座很诱人的城市,这儿的人们奉行快乐主义的生活方式。

    The Lonely Planet Encounter Guide to Athens author Victoria Kyriakopoulous said the results are hardly surprising as the Greek capital is a seductive city , with a hedonisticlifestyle .

  19. 根据《孤独星球指南》的最新版本,英国到处是高价饭馆和昂贵的酒店,英国旅游景点的价值也被高估了。

    Britain is crammed with overpriced restaurants , plagued by expensive hotels and let down by overrated tourist attractions , according to the latest edition of the Lonely Planet Guide .

  20. 在距新年不到两个月的日子里,“孤独星球”出品的“旅行圣经”——《最值得期待的旅行地》2015版,终于惊喜发布。

    While there are still two months until we welcome a new year , well-known travel guide publisher Lonely Planet has issued its top 10 cities to visit in 2015 .

  21. “孤独星球”:如果你跟某个正在用餐的人目光相遇,哪怕是陌生人,你也应礼貌地说:“provecho”,即“祝您好胃口”的意思。

    Lonely Planet : Whenever you catch the eye of someone who 's eating , even a stranger , it 's good manners to say " provecho " , which means enjoy .

  22. 沙溪也被旅游杂志《孤独星球》形容为“一座沉睡中的美妙城市,那儿的夜生活就是坐在繁星点点的天幕下,聆听稻田里的蛙鸣”。

    Shaxi is " a wonderful sleepy place where nightlife means sitting out under the canopy of stars and listening to the frogs croaking in the rice paddies , " Lonely Planet writes .

  23. 女:我会按照时间规划行事,也会参考旅游指南,其他人一样我会参考《孤独星球》旅行指南。

    W : I tend to be on a time budget , and I do use guide books - - in general it will be the Lonely Planet - the same as everybody else .

  24. 《孤独星球》曾这样描写牡丹文化节:“整个公园姹紫嫣红,公园内挤满了花卉爱好者、摄影师,还有头戴花环的女孩子和贩卖大捧花束的小贩。”

    The festival " sees the park flooded with color , floral aficionados , photographers , girls with garlands on their heads and hawkers selling huge bouquets of flowers , " according to Lonely Planet .

  25. 倘若有家,她终于能被列入《孤独星球》旅游指南;他们一直想提及她的服务,却老是办不到,因为她没有永久住址能让他们列入书中。

    If she had a home , she could finally be listed in Lonely Planet , who keep wanting to mention her services , but never can do so , because she never has a permanent address that they can print .

  26. 《孤独星球指南》主要作者戴维埃尔斯说:如果你手头紧的话,就会吃不消&英国可不便宜。埃尔斯将撰稿人派到英国各地寻找划算的买卖,但是没多少发现。

    " If you 're on a tight budget , there 's no getting away from it & Britain ain 't cheap ," said lead author David Else who dispatched contributors to every corner of the land in search of good deals , but found few .

  27. 自第一本《孤独星球》旅行指南出版以来的四十年间,这个世界在各种意义上都已经变得不那么孤寂了,但我一直不曾忘记如果你想要远离人群,空无人烟的地方依然存在。

    So in many ways the world has become a much less lonely place in the four decades since the first Lonely Planet guidebook . Yet I never forget that if you want to get away from the crowds , the empty places are still out there .

  28. 在背囊旅行者中大受欢迎的另一套旅游手册是《孤独的星球》系列丛书。

    Also popular among backpackers are the guidebooks in theLonelyPlanet series .

  29. 一次这颗红色行星的旅程教给我们很多关于孤独的蓝色星球和宇宙之外的东西。

    A trip to this red planet has a lot to teach us about our lonely blue one and the universe beyond .

  30. 我们就是这么一个孤独宇宙中一个孤独的星球上的一个孤独的错误存在。

    And that we are this sort of lonely mistake on a lonely planet in a lonely universe .