
gū lì
  • solitary;separate;isolate;alone
孤立 [gū lì]
  • (1) [alone]∶孤独无助

  • 他孤立无亲,危弱无辅

  • (2) [isolated]∶独立,无所依傍和联系

  • 废除静止地孤立地研究马克思列宁主义的方法。--毛泽东《改造我们的学习》

  • 孤立的建筑物

  • 一座孤立的桥墩

  • [isolate] 使孤独无助,使得不到同情或援助

  • 团结同志,孤立敌人

孤立[gū lì]
  1. 这个决定使这个国家在盟国中受到孤立。

    The decision left the country isolated from its allies .

  2. 现在仍有零星孤立的势力反对新政权。

    There are still a few isolated pockets of resistance to the new regime .

  3. 这一决定会使国家从欧洲其他地方中孤立出来。

    This decision will isolate the country from the rest of Europe .

  4. 这些数据不应孤立起来看,否则就没有意义。

    To make sense , these figures should not be looked at in isolation .

  5. 这个国家在外交上仍然是孤立的。

    The country remained diplomatically isolated .

  6. 这个国家受到了完全被国际社会孤立的威胁,除非其暴行得以制止。

    The country has been threatened with complete isolation from the international community unless the atrocities stop .

  7. 孤立地看,这些说法可能是危险的谬论。

    Taken in isolation these statements can be dangerous fallacies .

  8. 不能脱离社会理论孤立地讨论惩罚。

    Punishment cannot be discussed in isolation from social theory .

  9. 政治影响正被用来左右公众舆论,使批评家们陷于孤立。

    Political influence is being used to shape public opinion and isolate critics .

  10. 他的激进主义与拒绝妥协使他受到孤立。

    His radicalism and refusal to compromise isolated him

  11. 突然之间,所有那些怪异且看上去孤立的例子都具有了意义。

    Suddenly all of the bizarre and seemingly isolated examples took on a meaningful focus .

  12. 这一政策可能会使该国孤立于联合国安全理事会其他常任理事国之外。

    This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council

  13. 药物治疗不可能孤立地发生作用,多多少少会受很多其他因素的影响。

    No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors

  14. 有时似乎应该邀请全班孩子,这样任何人都不会感到被孤立。

    Sometimes it seems right to invite an entire class of children so no one will feel left out

  15. 他们可以预见到要是给极具争议性的能源法案投赞成票,可能会陷入孤立。

    They can see themselves going out on a limb , voting for a very controversial energy bill .

  16. 事实已经很清楚,这件事不是偶发的,它并不是一起孤立的事件。

    It became very clear that the incident was not just an aberration , it was not just a single incident .

  17. 法国与其他欧盟成员国要求削减国家借贷的意见相左,因而受到它们的孤立,与它们闹得不可开交。

    France was left isolated and at loggerheads with other EU member countries over its refusal to fall into line with demands to cut state borrowing .

  18. 执政党内的激进派坚持主张从政治上孤立该国。

    The radical group in the ruling party insisted upon isolating the country politically .

  19. 敌人龟缩在几个孤立的据点里。

    The enemy was holed up in a few isolated strongholds .

  20. 不要孤立地考虑这些事实。

    Don 't consider the facts in isolation from others .

  21. 不要静止地孤立地看待事物。

    Don 't view things as static and isolated .

  22. 形而上学宇宙观用孤立的、静止的和片面的观点去看世界。

    The metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated , static and one-sided .

  23. 它不是一个孤立的,甚至也不是一个罕见的例子。

    It is not an isolated or even a rare case .

  24. 只是孤立地考虑其中任何一项因素都将是不智之举。

    It would be unwise to consider any of these as existing in isolation .

  25. 孤立地看,每一个情节都很平淡,连缀在一起,就有趣了。

    When taken separately , each of the episodes is rather dull , but when linked together , they 're very interesting .

  26. 但是他们至少已经开始打破过去孤立保守的心态。

    But at least they have started to break out of their old insularity .

  27. 社交孤立的影响类似于焦虑症或工作压力。

    The effect of social isolation is similar to that of anxiety or work-related stress .

  28. 有些人参与职场八卦的原因是:他们害怕被孤立。

    The reason some people participate in workplace gossip in the first place is that they are afraid of being isolated .

  29. 日本首相菅义伟本月早些时候任命坂本哲志负责孤独和孤立相关的政府政策。坂本哲志原本就是负责日本少子化对策和地方创生的大臣。

    Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto , who is already a minister in charge of dealing government policies to deal with loneliness and isolation , earlier this month .

  30. 所以,目前的Web服务是孤立的不透明的。

    Thus , today 's web services are isolated and opaque .