
  • 网络late homo sapiens;homo sapiens sapiens;late Homosapiens
  1. 核工业部西北地质勘探局发现人类化石经测定属晚期智人

    Human fossil discovered by north-west Bureau of Geology and exploration , Ministry of nuclear industry was determined to belong to Homo sapiens sapiens

  2. 文章回顾20世纪以来,在广西发现的重要古人类化石和文化遗物,包括4个巨猿化石地点、13个晚期智人化石地点以及一系列旧石器。

    This paper reviews the important discovery of human fossils and cultural remains of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 20th century , it including four Gigantopithecus sites , thirteen late Homo sapiens fossil sites and a series of old stone tools .

  3. 苏拉威西岛地区最为人所熟知的岩石艺术品是由澳大利亚的土著居民创作的。这些晚期智人在大约5万年前到达该地区。

    The most familiar rock art in the region of Sulawesi was created by the Aborigines of Australia , modern humans who arrived there 50,000 years ago .

  4. 人类化石包括2枚智人牙齿化石,分别是左下第三臼齿和右下第二臼齿,其形态特征与广西其他山洞发现的智人化石相似,归入晚期智人。

    The human teeth include a left lower M3 and a right lower M2.Their morphological features are similar to that of late Homo sapiens unearthed from other caves in Guangxi , belong to late Homo sapiens .

  5. 目前尚不清楚,岩石艺术究竟是从西欧迁移到东南部及更远的地方的晚期智人创造的文化技能的内在组成部分,还是在各个地区得到了单独发展,他写道。

    Whether rock art was an integral part of the cultural repertoire of colonizing modern humans , from Western Europe to southeast and beyond , or whether such practices developed independently in various regions , is unknown , he wrote .

  6. 德国蒂宾根大学的科纳尔博士表示,他早就提出了“多中心融合发展”的学说:随着晚期智人扩散至世界各地,取代早期智人,不同的地方出现了类似的文化创新活动。

    Dr. Conard , of T ü bingen University , said he had long argued for what he calls polycentric mosaic modernity , in which similar kinds of cultural innovations happened in different contexts as modern Homo sapiens spread across the world and displaced archaic hominins .

  7. 首先从猿人进化成为直立人,接着经过早期和晚期的智人,

    first , from ape-man to Homo erectus , than passing through earlier and later stages of Homo sapiens ,