
  • 网络Late Qing Dynasty;late;late qing
  1. 晚清国人译书与社会进步

    Chinese Translating and Social Progress in the Late Qing Dynasty

  2. 晚清西南地区对外经济关系研究

    A Research on External Economic Relationship in the Southwest during Late Qing Dynasty

  3. 他的诗达到了晚清诗人的境界。

    His poetry rises to the level of the late Qing poets .

  4. 晚清域外小说译介的政治取向及影响

    Utilitarianism of fiction translation in Late Qing Dynasty and its influence

  5. 皮锡瑞与晚清教育变革

    Pi Xirui and the Educational Reform During the Late Qing Dynasty

  6. 《星轺指掌》与晚清外交的近代化

    Xing Yao Zhi Zhang and Modernization of the Late Qing Diplomacy

  7. 晚清女性:新教育与旧道德&以杜成淑拒屈函为案例

    Women in Late Qing Dynasty : New Education and Old Morality

  8. 晚清刘鹗《铁云诗存》的精神世界

    The spiritual world of Liu E 's Tie Yun Shi Cun

  9. 论晚清外交使节的欧美之旅

    On the Envoy Trip to Europe and America in Qing Dynasty

  10. 张謇与晚清社会变迁

    Zhang Jian and the Social Vicissitude of the Late Qing Dynasty

  11. 晚清时期中国近代慈善事业的兴起

    The Rise of Chinese Modern Philanthropy in the later Qing Dynasty

  12. 简析晚清小说中的近代海关形象

    The Modem Customhouse Images in the Novels of Late Qing Dynasty

  13. 晚清婚姻与家庭观念演变述论

    Changing Concepts of Marriage and the Family in the Late Qing

  14. 论晚清武汉社会文化的变迁

    On Social Culture Change of Wuhan in the Late Qing Dynasty

  15. 晚清云南留日学生的选拔及相关情况

    Selection of Student Studying Japan of Yunnan in Late Qing Dynasty

  16. 晚清徐州煤矿的家族代际传承初探

    Family Generation Inheritance of Xuzhou Coal Mines in Late Qing Dynasty

  17. 把握裁军在晚清中国社会发展过程中的历史作用;

    Griping the history function of disarm at China social development process ;

  18. 当爱情变成了历史&晚清的史词

    When Love Became History & Historical Ci in the Later Qing Dynasty

  19. 晚清驻欧使节与海军近代化

    The Late Qing 's Diplomatic Envoys and the Modernization of Chinese Navy

  20. 论晚清灾荒的成因及其影响

    On the Causes and Influence of Famine in the Late Qing Dynasty

  21. 晚清广西厘金制度研究:1853&1911年

    On the Likin Tax System in Guangxi in the Late Ch'ing Dynasty

  22. 晚清外国在广州的房地产研究

    Foreign Real Estate 's Study of Late Qing in Canton

  23. 晚清华侨政策研究

    The Study of Late Ching 's Policy to Overseas Chinese

  24. 摘要伍廷芳是晚清时期著名的外交家。

    Wu Tingfang was a famous diplomat in the late Qing period .

  25. 基督教在早期罗马帝国和晚清中国都是新传入的外来宗教,处境颇多相似。

    Christianity is alien to early Roman Empire and late Qing China .

  26. 第二部分,阐述晚清直隶灾荒的影响。

    The second part dwells on consequences of natural disasters .

  27. 第三章晚清外商在华商品贸易法律制度。

    Chapter 3 : Foreign-related commodity trade regulations and laws .

  28. 晚清湖南旱灾研究

    A Study of Hunan 's Drought in the Qing Dynasty

  29. 晚清陕西与湖北双边贸易研究

    The trade between Hubei and Shaanxi provinces during the later Qing dynasty

  30. 晚清新政时期中央与各省关系初探

    The Relationship of Central Government and Provinces During the Late Qing Dynasty