
ɡū dú zhě
  • Loneliness;solitary/lonely person
  1. 孤独者往往是世界上最坚强者。

    The strongest man upon earth is he who stands most alome .

  2. 一位孤独者,可能被认为是独立的,或是社会上别扭的人。

    A lone wolf can be considered as either independent or socially awkward .

  3. 《三国演义》的孤独者形象及其审美意义

    Solitary Images and Their Aesthetic Significances in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  4. 孤独者的灵魂&萨特小说《恶心》的存在探询及其审美含义

    Soul of a Solitary Individual & Existential Probe and Its Aesthetic Significance in Nausea

  5. 我是百分百的孤独者。

    I was very much of a loner .

  6. 孤独者形象值得挖掘,因为他们有其文化价值。

    The image of the solitaries is worth an exploration because of its literal value .

  7. 现代美国文学中的孤独者

    The Lonely Figures in Modern American Literature

  8. 在一个以集体主义者为荣的社会里,食草男和鱼干女是行迹可疑的孤独者。

    In a society that prides itself on being collectivist , they are suspicious loners .

  9. 圣诞节是缠住孤独者、烦躁者和碰壁者的节日。

    Christmas is a holiday that persecutes the lonely , the frayed , and the rejected .

  10. 正是我,这个孤独者,应该反抗这不知休息的疯子。

    It is I , the solitary one , who would rebel against this restless madman .

  11. 孤独者的寻觅形象&试论李白诗歌对现实世界介入的努力

    An Image of A Solitary Seeker & On the Poet 's Intervention in the Social Reality

  12. 她是个孤独者。

    She 's a lonesome type .

  13. 我们从孩提时就习惯认同,独处时的我们会本能地渴望有人陪伴,认为孤独者都是渴望加入群体生活,而非欣然独处的。

    From childhood we 're conditioned to accept that when alone we instinctively ache for company .

  14. 精神孤独者的哀歌&浅谈卡森·麦卡勒斯小说的主题思想

    A Mournful Song of Spiritual Loneliness & On the Thematic Meanings of Carson McCullers 's Fiction

  15. 但他的自由主义还未被多数人所了解,他依然是一个孤独者。

    But his liberalism had not been understood by the most people that he is still lonely .

  16. 孤独者的世界

    The World of the Lonely

  17. “在人类社会里,一向都把孤独者看作是社交乏术者”文中写道。

    " In human beings , loneliness has been associated with impaired social skills ," they write .

  18. 对于孤独者来说,早卒的几率明显更高。这已不是什么全新的发现。

    That lonely people are at significantly higher risk of dying early is not an entirely new discovery .

  19. 不管怎样,当前的这项研究给我们展现了一个看待孤独者的新方式。

    At the very least , this current research presents a fairly new way to think about lonely people .

  20. 我不愿相信世上只有我一人,只有我一人为此而去恨,被泠落的孤独者。

    I can 't believe that it is only me , the person to hate , the only left out .

  21. 无论是哪一种态度,汉姆生对他笔下的这些孤独者都寄予了深深的同情与悲悯。第四章通过这几个孤独者设法摆脱孤独未果来告诉世人孤独是一个死结。

    No matter what kind of his attitudes to his characters , Hamsun gives these lonely the same sympathy and compassion .

  22. 孤独者的形象及其文化价值&走进鲁迅小说的孤独者形象世界

    Image of the Solitary and its Literary Value-A Discussion of the Internal World of the Solitary in Lu Xun ′ s Novels

  23. 我是一个数学研究孤独者,在中国我没有数学老师和数学朋友的帮助和支持。

    I am a lonely mathematician . I have neither mathematic teachers nor mathematician friends to help and support me in China .

  24. 张炜是新时期以来一位十分重要且颇具争议的作家,同时也是中国当代文坛最具有本质意义的痛苦者和孤独者。

    Zhang-wei is a very important and controversy writer in new period , and also a significant and solitary wanderer in Chinese contemporary literature .

  25. 我与人有着最深层次的接触,尤其是那些看起来好几个星期都没有与人交流的孤独者,

    So I had the most profound encounters with people , especially lonely people who looked like they hadn 't talked to anyone in weeks ,

  26. 昆德拉曾说过他的小说的任务就是探索人类存在的多种可能性,而其笔下的人物形象则承担了这一功能,他们大致可分为两种人物形象,即无知者和孤独者。

    Milan Kundera ever said that the novels ' task was exploring the possibilities of human existence , and then his characters just undertake this function .

  27. 但相比而言,孤独者锻炼身体的可能性更小,在他们需要帮助时,向别人求助的可能性也更小,这些也都是事实。

    It 's also true that lonely people are less likely to engage in physical activity and less likely to call on others when they need help .

  28. 在《红蚂蚁》中,红柯淋漓尽致地演绎了孤独者的宗教仪式,试图以一种子虚乌有的方式解除人类的痛。

    In Red Ants , Hongke fully describes the ritual of alone soul and tries to find a utopian way to relieve the misery of human beings .

  29. 自恋人格使屈原成为精神上的孤独者,也是其美政抱负难以实现的一个重要羁绊。

    The narcissistic personality makes Qu Yuan a loner in spirit , which is also the fatal fetters that stumbles the realization of his ambition of jawboninging .

  30. 但是辛弃疾还有他的另一面&他同时又是一个不为大多数人理解的伟大孤独者。

    But there was another side of Xin Qiji & he was at the same time a great solitary man who was not understood by most people .