
yī xué lún lǐ xué
  • medical ethics;hodegetics
  1. 方法RT-PCR法比较22例经手术及病理证实的PHEO组织及18例意外死亡者(符合医学伦理学要求)的正常肾上腺髓质中TGFα、,TNFα和vEGFmRNA表达的差异;

    Methods The mRNA expressions of TGF α, TNF α, and VEGF detected by RT-PCR , were compared between 22 PHEO tissues and 18 normal adrenal medulla tissues ( according with the principle of medical ethnics ) .

  2. 试论加强国际合作与促进我国医学伦理学教育的发展

    Enhance China medical ethics education and research by strengthening international cooperation

  3. 多媒体、网络技术在医学伦理学教学中的作用

    Application of Multiple-Media and Internet Technology in Teaching of Medicine Ethics

  4. 对七年制医学伦理学课程双语教学的思考

    Reflection on bilingual teaching of medical ethics of seven-year program students

  5. 当前医学伦理学实践中的几个问题及对策

    Problems in and Countermeasures to the Practice of Present Medical Ethics

  6. 对过度医疗的医学伦理学思考

    Reflection on excessive medical treatment from the angle of medical ethics

  7. 异种器官移植的发展与医学伦理学思考

    The Development of Xeno - transplantation and Medical Ethical Reflection

  8. 精神药物新药临床试验中的医学伦理学问题

    Medical ethical problems in clinical trials of new psychotropic drugs

  9. 卫生经济伦理学是医学伦理学的分支学科,它运用两大学科三大领域的知识理性地解释。

    Hygienic Economic Ethics is a branch of medical ethics .

  10. 利益伦理学是医学伦理学不可忽视的课题。

    Interest ethics is a non-neglect issue in medical ethics .

  11. 《医学伦理学》主体参与式教学模式的探索

    Exploratory Research of " Subject Participation " Teaching Model in Medical Ethics

  12. 医学伦理学在大型医院的地位与作用探讨

    Discussion on the Role of Medical Ethics in Large-Scale Hospitals

  13. 医学伦理学教学的难点和对策

    The Difficult Points of Teaching on Medical Ethics and Countermeasure

  14. 案例分析在医学伦理学教学中的运用

    Practice of Case Analysis in the Teaching of Medical Ethics

  15. 21世纪老年医学伦理学之探讨

    Study on the Aged Medical Ethics at 21 st Century

  16. 关于医学伦理学教师的知识结构与培养途径的探讨

    Discussion on the Knowledge Construction and Foster Way of Medical Ethics Teachers

  17. 医学伦理学是卫生政策的重要基础。

    Medical ethics is the important base for the health care policy .

  18. 医学伦理学精品课程建设的基本认识

    The Basic Understanding of High-Quality Curriculum Construction of Medical Ethics

  19. 孙慕义教授主编的《医学伦理学》提供了一个范例。

    " Medical Ethics " by Professor Sun Moyi provides a model .

  20. 节约医疗&医学伦理学教育需要强化的观念

    Economy Type Medicine-Idea Needs Reinforcement in Medical Ethics Education

  21. 关于医学伦理学课程的案例教学法的探讨

    On the Instructional Approach of Case Study in Medical Ethics among Medical Academies

  22. 临床教学中的医学伦理学问题与对策

    Problems of medical ethics and countermeasures in clinical teaching

  23. 乳腺癌遗传基因的医学伦理学思考

    A Medical Ethics Thinking on Breast Cancer Genetic Gene

  24. 我国医学伦理学教学现状及对策的探讨

    The Present Situation of Medical Ethics Teaching and the Discussion of Its Countermeasure

  25. 建设符合中国国情的医学伦理学教育体系

    Building of the Medical Ethics Education System according to China 's Actual Conditions

  26. 改革医学伦理学教学模式与提高医学生的综合素质

    Reforming Educational Model of Medical Ethics and Improving Medical Students ' Integrative Quality

  27. 临床试验必须遵照医学伦理学和法规的要求;

    Must act in accordance with medical ethics , law and regulations and ;

  28. 军事医学伦理学在国外已成为显学,并正在经历激烈的争论。

    Military medical ethics is a famous theory abroad and have drawn controversy .

  29. 克隆技术的医学伦理学课题

    The Problems of Medical Ethics Resulting from Clone Technique

  30. 浅论科学设计医学伦理学教学内容的意义

    On the Significance of Scientific Design of the Teaching Content of Medical Ethics