
yī yuàn
  • hospital;infirmary;nosodochium;nosocomium
医院 [yī yuàn]
  • [hospital] 病伤者得到医疗照顾的机构或场所

医院[yī yuàn]
  1. 她在工作时晕倒后被送进了医院。

    She was taken to hospital after her collapse at work .

  2. 医院的新翼楼是去年增建的。

    The new wing was built onto the hospital last year .

  3. 她父亲住在圣路加医院,病情很重。

    Her father is seriously ill in St Luke 's hospital .

  4. 这家医院获得了一笔30万英镑的意外款项。

    The hospital got a sudden windfall of £ 300 000 .

  5. 临终关怀医院旨在减轻临终者的痛苦。

    The hospice aims to ease the sufferings of the dying .

  6. 我们需要更多的资金来修筑道路、开办医院和学校。

    We need more money for roads , hospitals and schools .

  7. 她醒来发觉自己躺在医院的床上。

    She woke up and found herself in a hospital bed .

  8. 我要去医院探望我弟弟。

    I 'm going to the hospital to visit my brother .

  9. 这些医院的关闭是在三年期间逐步进行的。

    Closure of the hospitals was phased over a three-year period .

  10. 据称,那家医院的医疗水准在不断下降。

    It was stated that standards at the hospital were dropping .

  11. 这个慈善机构提供资金装备了两家医院并配备了人员。

    The charity provided money to staff and equip two hospitals .

  12. 他在夜间被送到医院。

    He was taken to the hospital during the night .

  13. 这场流行病已使各医院以最大负荷运转。

    Hospitals were already fully extended because of the epidemic .

  14. 当时医院病床紧缺,药物根本所剩无几。

    Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent .

  15. 她工作单位的朋友来医院看望她。

    Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital .

  16. 关闭医院怎么会对民众有利呢?

    Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest ?

  17. 他正考虑起诉这家医院。

    He is considering taking legal action against the hospital .

  18. 到达医院时她被宣告已经死亡。

    She was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital .

  19. 我得去医院动手术。

    I have to go to hospital for an operation .

  20. 修建这座医院估计要耗费200万英镑。

    The hospital will cost an estimated £ 2 million to build .

  21. 他在一所医院里工作了十年,护理癌症病人。

    He worked in a hospital for ten years nursing cancer patients .

  22. 她和医院大多数工作人员关系融洽。

    She was on friendly terms with most of the hospital staff .

  23. 医院说她眼下已没有危险。

    The hospital says she 's out of immediate danger .

  24. 我在当地医院从事一些义务性工作。

    I do some voluntary work at the local hospital .

  25. 他裹着绷带,躺在医院的病床上。

    He was lying on the hospital bed , swathed in bandages .

  26. 延迟兴建新医院的决定是不得人心的。

    It was an unpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital .

  27. 尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。

    Despite the power cuts , the hospital continued to function normally .

  28. 他不得不去医院接受治疗。

    He had to go to the hospital for treatment .

  29. 医院床位急需增加。

    There is an urgent need for more hospital beds .

  30. 其余的二十名病人被转送到另一家医院去了。

    The remaining twenty patients were transferred to another hospital .