
jì shēnɡ chónɡ xué
  • parasitology
  1. Internet国际互联网络在寄生虫学上的应用初探

    Primary Study of Application Internet message to Parasitology

  2. Internet寄生虫学站点建立初探

    The establishment of Internet website for Parasitology

  3. 以PCR为基础的分子分类学技术及其在寄生虫学的应用

    PCR-based molecular taxonomic techniques and their applications in parasitology

  4. 人体寄生虫学网络课程中Flash脚本语言的应用

    The Applications of Flash Script Language in Network Courseware of Human Parasitology

  5. 网络型多媒体CAI课件的特性及其在人体寄生虫学中的应用

    The Characteristic of Multimedia CAI Courseware with Web and its Application in Teaching Parasitology

  6. CpG基序的作用机理及其在寄生虫学上的应用

    Mechanism of action and application in Parasitology of CpG motif

  7. 他发表在《兽医寄生虫学》(VeterinaryParasitology)上的文章读来让人心情沉重。

    His results , which appear in Veterinary Parasitology , make grim reading .

  8. PCR-RFLP技术在兽医寄生虫学上的应用

    Application of PCR-RFLP in Veterinary Parasitology

  9. 该研究团队的人员来自加蓬,其他非洲国家,欧洲和中东地区,由德国Tübingen大学的寄生虫学教授PeterKermsner领导。

    Its team includes people from Gabon , other African nations , Europe and the Middle East . And it 's headed up by parasitology professor Peter Kermsner of the University of T ü bingen in Germany .

  10. 《人体寄生虫学与检验》课程经网络远程教学模式的初探

    Discussion on on-line teaching model of human parasitology and laboratory test

  11. 人体寄生虫学多媒体课件设计中值得注意的几个问题

    Discussion on the Design of Multimedia Courseware in Human Parasitology Teaching

  12. 成人专升本人体寄生虫学教学的改革

    Reform of the teaching of human parasitology in adult-upgraded medical education

  13. 实验方法在家畜寄生虫学研究中的应用

    The Application of Experimental Method in the Study of Veterinary Parasitology

  14. 探索现代本科教学模式在寄生虫学教学中的应用

    Exploratory Application of Modern Undergraduate Teaching Methods in Parasitology Class

  15. 医学寄生虫学实验教学平台建设的思考

    Thoughts on Construction of Platform for the Experimental Teaching of Medical Parasitology

  16. 人体寄生虫学实验活体标本的准备与应用

    Preparation and Application of Living Specimens in the Teaching of Human Parasitology

  17. 人体寄生虫学网络课程辅助教学的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice of network-assisted teaching of human parasitology course

  18. 人体寄生虫学考试改革初探

    The preliminary study on the examination reform of human parasitology

  19. 素质教育在人体寄生虫学教学中的应用

    Application of competence education in the teaching of human parasitology

  20. 几分钟后即可获得寄生虫学确诊结果。

    Results of parasitological confirmation can be available in a few minutes .

  21. 寄生虫学,分子生物学,现场流行病学。

    Parasitology ; Molecular Biology Field epidemiology ; Biological analyses .

  22. 人体寄生虫学教学标本库的建设与管理

    Construction and management of a human parasitology teaching specimen collection

  23. 人体寄生虫学学科发展的历史性思考

    A Historical Reflect on the Disciplinary Development of Human Parasitology

  24. 微粒子免疫检测技术在寄生虫学研究及诊断中的应用

    The application of microbead immunoassay in the research and diagnosis of parasitology

  25. 《人体寄生虫学·英中双语版》编写探索

    Editorial Exploration of Human Parasitology English & Chinese Bilingual Version

  26. 人体寄生虫学理论和实验考试成绩的相关性研究

    Correlation study on theoretical and experimental score of human parasitology

  27. 人体寄生虫学标本图片数据库的建立与应用

    Establishment and application of a digital library of human parasitological specimen pictures

  28. 《人体寄生虫学》教学的实践与探索

    " Human Parasitology " teaching practice and exploration LIU Zhong-xiang , LEI Jun-chuang

  29. 人体寄生虫学网络课程的构建及应用

    Construction and application of network courseware of human parasitology

  30. 寄生虫学环式教学法在动物寄生虫病学教学中的应用

    The use of " Cyclic Teaching of Parasitology " in veterinary parasitology instruction