
zhěng zhì
  • renovate;repair;dredge;punish;prepare
整治 [zhěng zhì]
  • (1) [renovate]∶翻修,使恢复原样

  • 整治房屋

  • (2) [repair]∶修理,排除故障

  • 整治机器

  • (3) [dredge]∶疏通;挖泥修整

  • 整治航道

  • (4) [punish]∶惩罚,给以肉体的痛苦

  • 这个坏蛋得整治一下

  • (5) [prepare]∶准备;做

  • 整治饭菜

整治[zhěng zhì]
  1. 根据GIS空间分析的结果,预测与评价了塌陷对生态环境的影响,并提出了整治措施。

    According to the calculated result through spatial analysis of GIS , the effect of subsidence on environment is evaluated , furthermore the renovate measure is put forward .

  2. 同时说明湖泊整治的重要性和迫切性。

    It also presented the importance and impendence to renovate lake .

  3. 她知道如何整治她的雇员。

    She knows how to make life miserable for her employees .

  4. 新上任的市长决心要整治好这座城市。

    The new mayor is determined to clean up the city .

  5. 新项目的目标是整治受污染的土地。

    The aim of the new project is to clean up polluted land .

  6. 这坏蛋得整治一下。

    That scoundrel needs to be punished .

  7. 因为,我发现如果我们能找到一个整治环境的方法,我们也能找到一种方法来更有效的治疗哮喘病人。

    Because I realized that if we could find a way to target remediation , we could also find a way to treat asthmatic patients more effectively .

  8. 第十七条各级人民政府应当依据国民经济和社会发展规划、国土整治和资源环境保护的要求、土地供给能力以及各项建设对土地的需求,组织编制土地利用总体规划。

    Article 17 People 's governments at all levels shall manage to compile general plans for land uses in accordance with the national economic and social development program , requirements of national land consolidation and resources and environmental protection , land supply capacity and the requirements of various construction projects .

  9. 基于API法的运城市空气质量评估及整治对策

    The Air Quality Evaluation of Yuncheng City , Based on API Process and the Treatment Countermeasures

  10. ND2型内燃机车轮缘偏磨的整治与研究东风4系列机车1、6位闸瓦偏磨及闸瓦贴轮的解决办法

    Evaluation and Study of the One Side Over-wear of the wheel Flange of ND_2 MOdel Diesel Locomotive Trouble shooting of the brake shoes for DF_4 series locomotives

  11. 阐述了RS公路整治工程的投资控制要点,分析了实际投资超出合同金额的原因。

    The key points of investment control of RS Road renovating project are expounded . The reason why actual investment exceed the contract one is analysed .

  12. 为了有效实施镉污染农田农业生态整治与安全高效利用策略,采用室外微区池栽培实验,对我国南方几种主要栽培植物耐土壤Cd污染能力进行了比较分析。

    A comparative evaluation of tolerance of several main cultivated plants towards cadmium in south China was conducted for making strategy of agro-ecological regulation and safe-and-efficient utilization in farmland polluted by Cd .

  13. NIIC-1区段空心方块斜坡堤结构透水性对整治功能影响分析

    Effect of Permeability of Hollow-block Mound Breakwaters at Section NIIC-1 on Regulation Function

  14. 首先,提出问题,针对目前我国城市生活整治问题的严重性,提出用PPP模式加以解决;

    Fist of all , Putting the problems forward : At present , it is important to solute the problem of the municipal solid waste in our country , and another put suggestion forward to deal with them by PPP .

  15. 整治&理清历史文化脉络,体现传统氛围;

    Rehabilitation & perceive The history cultural grain , embody traditionalatmosphere ;

  16. 整治丽水市区三条河改善城市生态环境

    Control Lishui City 's Three Rives and Improve Urban Ecological Environment

  17. 当前我国城市历史保护区环境整治研究

    Research on Enhancement of Historic Conservation Area in Cities in China

  18. 山区冲积性河流变动回水区航道整治技术研究

    Channel Regulation Technique at Fluctuating Backwater Area in Mountainous Alluvial River

  19. 环境综合整治是现代化城市管理的必然途径

    Comprehensive Environmental Rehabilitation Is an Indispensable Way for Modern City Management

  20. 山区河流非恒定流航道沙卵石浅滩整治

    Sand-Pebble Shoal Regulation in Channel with Inconstant Flow of Mountainous River

  21. 提速道岔直尖轨侧磨的分析与整治

    Analysis of Side Abrasion of Speed-increasing Straight Switch and its Treatment

  22. 整治权力文凭,净化官场空气;

    Punish authority diploma , to purify the air of officialdom ;

  23. 南京明城墙的修复整治策略之探讨

    Repairing and Renovating Strategy of Ming Dynasty 's Rampart in Nanjing

  24. 射阳港口电厂河段的整治及其工程效果

    Regulation of Sheyang harbor power plant reach and its engineering effect

  25. 整治采煤塌陷区环境促进矿区可持续发展

    Renovating Environment in Subsidence Area and Promoting Sustainable Development of Minefield

  26. 金矿床开采与矿区环境综合整治研究

    Mining of gold deposit and comprehensive control of mining area environment

  27. 河口整治工程建筑物局部冲刷试验研究

    Model studies on local scour in the regulation project in estuary

  28. 城市内河综合整治效益的后评估方法及实证

    Method for post evaluation of urban river regulation and case study

  29. 复垦地土壤的肥力特点和综合整治技术

    Fertility characteristics of reclaimed soils and techniques for their comprehensive management

  30. 永平铜矿岩质边坡中的滑坡整治

    Harnessing of Landslide for the Rock Slope in Yongping Copper Mine