
zhěng dì
  • soil preparation
整地 [zhěng dì]
  • [soil preparation] 耕翻平整土地,为播种做准备

整地[zhěng dì]
  1. 有机质、有效N、全N分别比常规整地的高出2.07、2.33、1.51倍。

    Organic matter , available nitrogen , total nitrogen is 2.07 times , 2.33 times and 1.51 times higher than normal soil preparation .

  2. 牧草播前整地方法及其设备

    The method and equipment of soil preparation of forage grass

  3. 收割后,农民就开始整地以便播种。

    After the harvest , the peasants began to prepare the soil for seed .

  4. 炼山和整地对全Mg的影响不显著。

    And prescribed burning and site preparation had no significant effect on the content of total Mg .

  5. 速效N含量在采伐和炼山后显著降低了,但是减少的量在整地后却又得到了补偿。

    Available N concentration decreased significantly after clear-cutting and residues burning , but the reduction was almost offset after site preparation .

  6. 炼山前后0-15cm的全K含量有所上升,但整地后又显著下降。

    Before and after burning , the content of total K slightly increased , then decreased again with the site preparation treatment .

  7. 区内暴雨多与降雨侵蚀力R值大、炼山全垦整地造林以及不合理的开发建设活动,是造成土壤侵蚀加剧的主要原因。

    In the region , more rainstorms , great R value of rainfall erosive agent , burning the grass on waste hills and conducting whole reclamation for soil preparation and afforestation and irrational activities of development and construction are the main reasons for intensifying soil erosion .

  8. 结果表明,穴垦整地(40cm×40cm×30cm)马尾松工程幼林地具有显著的水土保持效益。

    The results showed that Pinus massoniana engineering young plantation with hole preparation ( 40cm × 40cm × 30cm ) has obvious soil and water conservation effects .

  9. 收获方式和剩余物处理方式同样对2年生时生物量积累有影响,以仅收获树干、带状整地(整2m,留1m)和炼山,即A381C1生物量最大。

    The yield modes and the treatment of slash also have effect on the biomass accumulation of two-year-old Chinese fir , the treatment of the stem harvest and strip plough ( 2m , lm ) and control burning ( A3B1C1 ) is the best .

  10. 较好的栽培模式是撩壕整地加合理施肥,并将初植密度确定在2500~3000株·hm-2。

    The preferable cultivation pattern is to dig trenches and apply fertilizers reasonably and the initial planting density should be determined to be 2500 ~ 3000 stems per hm 2.Considering from the growing stock amount and economic benefits , E.

  11. 结果表明:在新建人工草地时,采用播种前整地+人工除草+雨季结束前20d播种+速生先锋种的方法与其他方法相比,对于控制新建人工草场的杂害草效果更佳。

    The results showed that among eight different trials , the best weed control was found in the scheme with " soil treatment prior seeding + hand-removal weeding + seeding on the day 20 prior ending of raining season + fast growing pioneer species " .

  12. 成功的实施了撩壕整地栽培技术,种植存活率达到84%以上。

    The average planting live rate is over 84 per cent .

  13. 其中着重探讨了当时的整地技术和灌溉技术。

    The paper emphasizes the tillage techniques and the irrigated techniques .

  14. 太行山低山丘陵爆破整地效益的研究

    On the benefit of soil preparation by explosion in Taihang Mountains

  15. 整地与栽植深度对林木生长量影响的研究

    Effect of Soil Preparation and Planting Depth on Growth of Stand

  16. 那故事在他面前像闪电一样完完整整地显露了出来。

    The whole story worked out before him in lightning flashes .

  17. 爆破水平梯田整地技术及经济效益研究

    Research in explosion technique and its effects for site preparation

  18. 水田不同整地工艺方案的综合效应研究

    Study on comprehensive effects of different soil preparation processes in paddy field

  19. 认真整地种植,确保造林质量;

    Carefully prepare afforestation to guarantee the quality of planting ;

  20. 黄土高原不同整地方法造林试验

    Afforestation Experiment With Different Site Preparation Methods On Loess Plateau

  21. 不同整地方式对林分质量的影响

    Effect of Different Mode of Soil Preparation on Stand Quality

  22. 立体方型整地造林效果研究

    Study on afforestation effect of stereoscopic and quadrate soil preparation

  23. 片麻岩类型山地造林爆破整地的研究

    A Study on the Burst Soil Preparation in the Gneiss Mountainous Area

  24. 机耕整地造林效果的调查研究

    Investigation on the Result of Afforestation through Mechanized Tillage

  25. 爆破整地造林工程的坡地稳定性分析&以太行山低山丘陵区为例

    Stability analysis on mountain slope of soil preparation for planting by using explosion

  26. 整地中的广场,车辆被暂时放至于户外。

    Vehicles were put outdoors during the rebuilding construction .

  27. 秦巴山区造林整地方式的探讨

    Discussion on the Modes of Land - clearing in the Qinling-Bashan Mountainous Region

  28. 接着他把事情完完整整地告诉了她。

    And then he told her the whole story .

  29. 她衣衫不整地从着火的房子里奔了出来。

    She rushed out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray .

  30. 其整地、晒地期由于土地失去了原有植被的保护;

    At soil prepared and basked , the land lose the protection of vegetation ;